BATH — The City Council on Wednesday approved bids totaling nearly $705,000 for work to be done on the Washington Street sidewalk.
Lowest bidder Pratt & Sons Inc. submitted a base bid of nearly $554,000 for Washington Street and an alternate bid of about $151,000 for work on Webber Avenue. The project has been funded by a Maine Department of Transportation enhancement grant, while funds from Bath’s public works capital fund supplied a local match.
“I’m quite excited that this has come before us now,” said Councilor James Omo. “It’s been a long time coming and a lot of hard work by a lot of people.”
Public Works Director Peter Owen said the city had originally applied for the grant in 2004. He explained that the cost of the project had changed between then and when the city went out to bid. Because an engineer’s estimate showed that Bath did not to have enough funds for the entire project, the city broke it up into two pieces, hence the base and alternate bids.
Because the city received the money it needed from the state, along with low bids, it is able to carry out the entire project.
“There’s a number of sidewalks along Washington but none of them are contiguous,” Owen said. “The intent of this sidewalk was to provide one continuous sidewalk that would connect all the different destination points – south end boat ramp, Maine Maritime (Museum), south end park, Plant Home, (Bath Iron Works) – and have one continuous sidewalk along the riverside.”
The council also authorized that a warrant be issued for prosecuting unlicensed dog owners. It additionally voted to apply to the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development for a community development block grant of $90,000 to help Gagne Foods, located on Wing Farm Parkway, to implement a marketing plan and create three new jobs.
Prior to the start of the meeting, Bath Police Chief Mike Field honored four individuals for their work for the department in 2008. K-9 Officer Michelle Small, accompanied by her police dog Keylo, earned the title of officer of the year while Criminal Investigation Division clerk Sabrina Doak was recognized as employee of the year for the second year in a row. Animal Control Officer Ann Harford was also named employee of the year, while James Gillies III – chairman of the Bath Community Police/Partnership and co-chairman of the city’s Volunteers in Police Service program – earned the John “Jack” Hart Jr. Volunteer of the Year award.
Alex Lear can be reached at 373-9060 ext. 113 or

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