I want to express my sincerest appreciation to all of the 300-plus students, parents, staff and community members who participated in our Community Dialogue IV. The afternoon was, I believe, a huge success and feedback from participants has been very positive. It never ceases to amaze me what powerful ideas emerge when caring and passionate individuals, often with very different perspectives, engage in an open and constructive dialogue. The students’ contributions, in particular, were truly amazing.

The Community Dialogues were created to ensure that our current action and future planning are responsive to the needs of Falmouth students, their parents, and our schools and community at large. The dialogue process is consistent with a model of local accountability that is student centered and designed to meet the community expectations of our Falmouth schools. In this current fiscal environment, it is absolutely critical that we are crystal clear about our priorities so that our resources and energies can be best directed at the targeted improvement areas across the Falmouth School District.

And the dialogue continues. You are invited to review the afternoon’s proceedings via internet access at falmouthschools.org by clicking on the Falmouth Community Dialogue link. You are also welcome to add your comments to any of the session proceedings.

We will continue to keep the community informed of our planning and progress. Again, thank you to all participants for your time, energy, and efforts. Thank you for making the Falmouth Public Schools Community Dialogue 2009 such a tremendous success.


George H. Entwistle, superintendent of schools

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