Greater Portland

Books, Authors

Thursday 10/1

Nicholson Baker, author of “The Anthologist,” 7 p.m., Longfellow Books, One Monument Way, Portland, 772-4045,

Friday 10/2

Fred Brancato, author of “Ancient Wisdom and the Measure of Our Days,” 7 p.m., Longfellow Books, One Monument Way, Portland, 772-4045,


Thursday 10/8

Nicole Chaison, author of “The Passion of the Hausfrau,” 5 p.m., Sarton Room, Abplanalp Library, UNE-Portland Campus, Stevens Ave., Portland, kids and babies in arms welcome,

Thomas Memorial Library Annual Book and Bake Sale, proceeds benefit the library, Early Bird Night $5, foundation donors free, 5-8 p.m. Thursday; public sale 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Saturday; 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sunday, 6 Scott Dyer Road, Cape Elizabeth, sponsored by the Friends of Thomas Memorial Library and the Thomas Memorial Library Foundation, 799-1720.


Reader’s Circle, third Thursday, 7 p.m., Merrill Memorial Library, 215 Main St., Yarmouth, 846-4763.



Saturday 10/3

“Head in the Clouds,” physical comedy by Michael Trautman, 7 p.m., The Dan at Breakwater School, 856 Brighton Ave., Portland, tickets, $5 students and seniors, $10 adults, $25 families, 450-5342.


Open Mic Comedy, hosted by Brian Brinegar, 8 p.m. Thursdays, Slainte, 24 Preble St., Portland.

The Comedy Connection, shows Thursday-Sunday evening, Custom House Wharf, Portland, 774-5554 for reservations.



Saturday 10/3

Second Annual Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival, with catered intermission, cash bar, 5-9 p.m., $15 advance, $20 door, Abromson Auditorium, USM Portland, hosted by Friends of Casco Bay, Mary Cerullo, 799-8574, tickets, film listings at

Sunday 10/4

“The Great Story, The Great Work: a celebration of the universe and our earth in song and film,” film about Thomas Berry, with live music, 7-9 p.m., free and open to the public, First Parish Portland, 425 Congress St., presented by UU congregations in Portland, the Maine Chapter of Sierrra Club, the Maine Council of Churches, and the Catholic Diocese of Portland, Kitsy Winthrop, 773-7738.


Thursday 10/1


Drawings and sculpture by Kendra Ferguson and paintings by Noa Warren, 5-7 p.m. opening reception, exhibit through Oct. 30, June Fitzpatrick Gallery at MECA, 522 Congress St., Portland, 699-5083. 

“Observations,” paintings by Tina Ingraham, 5-7 p.m. opening reception, exhibit through Oct. 31, Greenhut Galleries, 146 Middle St., Portland, 772-2693.

Ponomo, music + art line of jewelry and handbags by Hannah Tarkinson, 5-8 p.m. opening, Rise, 864 Broadway, South Portland, 799-4204,

Friday 10/2

“The Elements Series: Water,” water-themed photographs and other media, 5-8 p.m. reception, through Oct. 9, Addison Woolley at Studio 203A, The Bakery Building, 61 Pleasant St., 203A, Portland, 450-8499,

“Everything is Illuminated,” new paintings by Janice Moore, 5:30-8 p.m. artist reception, The Wonderful Gallery, 152 Main St., Freeport, 865-6077.


Opening Reception, featuring work of new artists, Tim Christensen, Wendy Twitchell, and Cathryn Schroeder Hammond, 5-8 p.m., The Maine Potters Market, 376 Fore St., Portland, Anne Samson, 774-1633. 

Opening Reception, with paintings by Susan Inoue, Elizabeth Kelley, Janet Ledoux, Vanessa Nesvig and Nadine Schoepfle, 5-8 p.m., Cygnet Gallery, 568 Congress St., Portland, 251-9925.

“Ordinary Heirlooms,” watercolor by Thomas Cook, 5-7:30 p.m. artist reception, exhibit through Oct., Artist & Craftsman Supply, 540 Deering Ave., Portland, 772-7272, 

“Regenerations,” collage and painting by Penelope Jones; new paintings by Rose Olson; “The Flower,” photographs in silver gelatin by Charles Grogg; ceramics by Jemma Gascoine; 5 p.m. opening reception, exhibit through Oct. 31, Susan Maasch Fine Art, 567 Congress St., Portland, 699-2966, 

“Uninhabited Portraits – Penobscot Bay Islands,” by Brita Holmquist, 5-8 p.m. reception, exhibit through Oct. 31, Art House Picture Frames, 61 Pleasant St., No. 110, Portland, 221-3443.

Sunday 10/4


“Drawn to Maine…” 4 p.m. artist reception, Freeport Square Gallery, 140 Main St., Freeport,

Wednesday 10/7

Paintings by Judy O’Donnell, opening reception 5-7 p.m., exhibit through Nov. 15, Falmouth Memorial Library, 5 Lunt Road, Falmouth, 781-2351, 

Thursday 10/8

Pecha Kucha Night, brief art presentations, doors open 6:30 p.m., presentations begin 7:20 p.m., $5, Space Gallery, Congress St., Portland,, Lynn Shaffer,767-4343.



A Fine Thing Gallery: Edward T. Pollack Fine Arts, “Social Realist Prints,” works by Josefina Auslender, Isabel Bishop, Ben Shahn, Raphael Soyer, Leonard Baskin, Joseph Hirsch, John Sloan, Reginald Marsh and others, through Oct. 31; 29 Forest Ave., Portland, 699-2919,

Addo Novo, 490 Congress St., Portland,

Area Gallery, “Mapping the Empty,” by Jennilie Brewster, on display through Oct. 30, Woodbury Campus Center, USM Portland, 780-5008, 

Artascope, 352 Cottage Road, South Portland.

Art Gallery at UNE, Eighth Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational, through Oct. 31; Westbrook College campus, 716 Stevens Ave., Portland, 221-4499 or

Art House Picture Frames, 61 Pleasant St., Portland, 221-3443,


Art Loft Gallery, paintings and silk hangings by Helen Farnham, wood engraved hand pulled prints by Tony Kulik, metal sculpture and furniture by Jim Millers, second floor, 8 School St., Freeport, 865-1705. 

Art Studios at Cottage Road, newest work by Betina Clark, 352 Cottage Road, South Portland, 799-5154.

Aucocisco Gallery, 89 Exchange St., Portland, 775-2222 or

Biddeford Savings Bank, 360 U.S. Route 1, Scarborough, 883-3004.

Bridge Gallery, 566 Congress St., Portland, 712-9499, 

Cape Cottage Gallery, 179 Cottage Road, South Portland, 767-5700 or


Carolyn Walton Gallery, “Landscapes of Maine and New England,” 39 Pleasant Hill Road, Freeport, 865-1585 or

Casco Bay Frames and Gallery, 295 Forest Ave., Hannaford Plaza, Portland, 774-1260 or

Christoph Gallery, Portland Pottery and Metalsmithing, 118 Washington Ave., Portland, 772-4334 or

Constellation Gallery, work by David A. Marshall, Nathan Broaddus, Matthew Isgro and Randy Regier, 511 Plaza on Congress St., Portland, 409-6617.

Cooper Jackson Gallery, 70 India St., Portland.

Cygnet Gallery, paintings by Guy Corriero, 568 Congress St., Portland, 251-9925.


Daniel Kany Gallery, 24 Romasco Lane, Portland, 774-2100. 

Daunis Fine Handmade Jewelry Showroom, third floor, 616 Congress St., Portland, 773-6011.

Domaine Gallery, “New: Elemental/Essential Photography,” by John G. Kelley, 223 Commercial St., Portland, 772-2270 or

Earth and Soul, indigenous artists from around the world and local artists, 34 Washington Ave., Portland, 775-1089.

Elizabeth Moss Gallery, 27 Gorham Road, Scarborough; new work by John Kimball, 251 U.S. Route 1, Falmouth, 781-2620,

Ember Grove Gallery, 247 B Congress St., Portland, 761-0408 or


emilie inc., photography, 227 Congress St, Portland, 272-2285.

Falmouth Memorial Library, 5 Lunt Road, Falmouth, 781-2351.

Fiddlehead Center for the Arts, 383 U.S. Route 1, Scarborough,, 883-5720 or  

Filament Gallery, 181 Congress St., Portland, 774-0932 or

Fore Street Gallery, 372 Fore St., Portland, 874-8084,

Four Walls Gallery for Fine Art, 564 Congress St., Portland, 221-3426 or


Freeport Square Gallery, 140 Main St., Freeport, 865-1616.

Front Room Gallery, works by Jon White, Sunday Richards, Monica Walsh and others, 378 Cottage Road, South Portland, 767-9070.

Frost Gully Gallery, 1159 U.S. Route 1, Freeport, 865-4505 or

Gallery 132, 132 Spring St., Portland, 842-9200 ext. 226.

Gem Gallery, 62 Island Ave., Peaks Island, 766-5600.

Greenhut Galleries, 146 Middle St., Portland, 772-2693.  


Harmon’s & Barton’s Gallery, 584 Congress St., Portland, 774-5948.

Holly Ready Studio, oil and gouache paintings by Holly Ready, 146 High St., Portland, 632-1027 or

Jameson Modern Art, 305 Commercial St., Portland, 772-5522 or

June Fitzpatrick Gallery at MECA, drawings and paintings by Kendra Ferguson and Noa Warren, Oct. 1-30, 522 Congress St., Portland, 699-5083.

June LaCombe SCULPTURE, “Autumn at Hawk Ridge,” sculpture by Gary Haven Smith, through Nov. 1, Hawk Ridge Farm, 90 Minot Road, Pownal, 688-4468, 

The Kate Cheney Chappell Center for Book Arts, seventh floor reading room, Glickman Family Library, USM Portland, 780-4270.


The Language Exchange, 80 Exchange St., Portland, 772-0405.

Long Island Dodwell Gallery, Maggie Carle, 766-2940.  

Maine Arts Workshop, 39 School St., Freeport, 831-2759 or

Meg Perry Center, 644 Congress St., 615-9970,  

Merrill Memorial Library, “Common Birds Surprise the Eye,” painted wood and metal Maine birds by Mardie Weldon, through Oct. 10; 215 Main St., Yarmouth, 846-4763.

Moxie Studio and Gallery, landscape, still life paintings, by appointment, Cousins Island, Yarmouth, 846-0978.


Portland Photo Works, 142 High St., second floor, Portland, Elliott Teel, 228-5829,  

Rabelais, gastronomic paintings by Rob Sullivan, through Oct. 1; 86 Middle St., Portland, 774-1044,  

Radiant Light Gallery, Thom Adams fine art and documentary photography, 615 Congress St., Suite 409, Portland, 252-7258.

Rise Photography, “New Moon,” work by Meghan Donahue, Matthew Robbins photography, Alicia Allen jewelry, 864 Broadway, South Portland, 799-4204,

Running with Scissors Gallery, 54 Cove St., Portland, 699-4242.

Sandpiper Jewelry Gallery, oils on canvas by J. Kevin Cheney, through Oct. 3, 851 Sawyer Street, South Portland, 767-8090. 


St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St., Portland, 775-5568,

Stones & Stuff, 556 Congress St., Portland,  

Susan Maasch Fine Art,  567 Congress St., Portland, 699-2955 or

Sylvia Kania Gallery, 148 High St., Portland, 615-6019.

Toby Rosenberg Pottery Gallery, 293 Read St., Portland, 878-4590.

Thos. Moser Freeport Showroom, “Near and Distant Views,” paintings by David Vickery, and work by Eric Hopkins, Marguerite Robichaux, Tom Curry and Philip Frey,149 Main St., Freeport, 865-4519.  


Utopia Gallery, 468 Fore St., Portland,

VoxPhotographs, for invitation and location, 232-1214 or

Whitney Art Works, 492 Congress St., Portland, 774-7011;

The wonderful gallery/FINE ART, 152 Main St., Freeport, 865-6077,

3Fish Gallery, “Connections in Wood & Print,” new work by Suzanne Hunt and Larinda Meade, 377 Cumberland Ave., Portland, 773-4773.

317 Main Street Gallery, “Studio Harvest,” mixed media paintings by Ronnie Wilson, through Oct. 23, Yarmouth, 846-6264, 



Saturday 10/10

Annual Open House at the Fire Museum, view historic films, antique fire truck display, Monster Fire Truck and music, family-friendly event, fire helmets for the first 100 children, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., $5 adult, $3 child suggested donation, hosted by The City of Portland’s Fire Department, IAFF Local 740 and the Portland Veteran Firemen’s Association, Portland Fire Museum, 157 Spring St., Portland, 772-2040.


Children’s Museum and Theatre of Maine, ongoing cultural, educational, fun and active workshops for kids and parents, 142 Free St., Portland, 828-1234 or

Falmouth Heritage Museum, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.; 60 Woods Road, Falmouth, 781-4727.


Fifth Maine Regiment Museum, 45 Seashore Ave., Peaks Island, 766-3330.

The Longfellow House at the Maine Historical Society, tours through Oct. 31, $8 adult, $7 senior/student, $3 child, Maine Historical Society, 489 Congress St., Portland, 774-1822 or

Maine Historical Society Museum, “Re/Collected: Great Works and New Discoveries from the Brown Library,” through May, 2010; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday; 12-5 p.m. Sun.; 11 a.m.-12 p.m. children’s hour Monday and Wednesday; $8 adult, $3 child, 489 Congress St., Portland, 774-1822

Maine Irish Heritage Center, tour the former St. Dominic’s Church, 19th-century cathedral built by Irish immigrants, 1-3 p.m. Wednesdays, 34 Gray St., Portland; call first, 780-0118.

The Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Company and Museum, daily trains from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., on the hour, from the Museum, 58 Fore St., Portland, 828-0814, tickets, $10 adult, $9 senior, $6 child ages 3-12, price includes admission to museum.

Museum at Portland Head Light, 1000 Shore Road, Cape Elizabeth, 799-2661 or


Museum of African Culture, 13 Brown St., Portland, 871-7188 or

Neal Dow Memorial, Federal-style mansion built in 1829 for Maine politician, abolitionist and prohibitionist; original silver, china, portraits and furniture, 714 Congress St., Portland, free; 773-7773.

Portland Fire Museum, every Friday 12-8 p.m., $5 adults, $2 children age 7+, 157 Spring St., Portland,

Portland Harbor Museum, Southern Maine Community College, Fort Road, South Portland, 799-6337,

Portland Museum of Art, “Moods of Nature: Jay Connaway and the Landscape of New England,” paintings on view through Dec. 6, “Call of the Coast: Art Colonies of New England,” through Oct. 12; “Joyce Tenneson: Polaroid Portraits,” through Oct. 4; 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, and 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Friday, free on Fridays 5-9 p.m., Seven Congress Square, Portland, 775-6148 ext. 3244 or

Portland Observatory, 138 Congress St., Portland, 774-5561.


The Sabbathday Lake Shaker Museum and the Shaker Store, 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Mondays- Saturdays, closed Sundays, through Columbus Day, U.S. Route 26, New Gloucester, 926-4597,  

The Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse, tours every Saturday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., weather permitting, June 20 – Sept. 5, and Oct. 10, off Fort Road, Southern Maine Community College, South Portland, $5 tour donation, ages 14 and under free, must be at least 55″ tall, 699-2676,  

Tate House Museum, “The Year of the Garden,” hourly tours, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Wednesday-Sunday, through October, 1267 Westbrook St., Portland, 774-6177 or

Yarmouth Historical Society Museum, “Life Along the Royal River,” 1-5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday, Merrill Memorial Library, Main Street, Yarmouth, 846-6259.


Thursday 10/1


The Holy Boys Danger Club, with Grand Hotel and Low 90, 8 p.m., $5 advance / $6 door, 21+, Port City Music Hall, 504 Congress St., Portland, tickets, and Bull Moose Records locations. 

Noonday Concerts, Piano and Violin Recital with Duncan J. Cumming, Hilary Walther Cumming, 12:15 p.m., free and open to the public, First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church, 425 Congress St., Portland, call Portland Conservatory of Music, 775-3356. 

Royal River Chorus, a cappella women’s chorus, 7:30 p.m., free/donation, Freeport Performing Arts Center, 30 Holbrook St., Freeport,

Friday 10/2

Phil Vassar, country, 8 p.m., $37.75, Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St., Portland, tickets, box office, 842-0800 or

Saturday 10/3


Pam Baker & The SGs, with Kevin Roper and Jime Racine, 8 p.m., $5, Venue Music Bar, 5 Depot St., Freeport, 865-1780,

Rod Picott and Amanda Shires, American ballads/folk, 7:30 p.m. $15 adults, $12 student or senior, St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St., Portland, 775-5568.

Ronnie Earl and The Broadcasters, $20, 8 p.m., 21+, The Landing, 353 Pine Point Road, Scarborough, 774-4527, 

Sunday 10/4

Ellis, modern folk, 7 p.m., $10, North Star Music Cafe, Congress St., Portland, 233-1147. 

Portland String Quartert Season Opening Concert, with jazz violinist Matthew Szemela, 1 p.m. lecture, 2 p.m. concert, reception hosted by Local 188 to follow, $20 adult, $18 senior, ages 21 and under free, Woodfords Congregational Church, 202 Woodfords St., Portland, subsidized or free tickets available upon request, LARK Society for Chamber Music, 761-1522.


Tuesday 10/6

“Heroes and the American Dream,” opening of the Portland Symphony Orchestra 85th anniversary season, 7:30 p.m., Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St., tickets, $20-$70, available at PortTix, 842-0800 or

Thursday 10/8

Noonday Concerts, Michael Albert, oboe, 12:15 p.m., free and open to the public, First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church, 425 Congress St., Portland, hosted by Portland Conservatory of Music, 729-5974.

Friday 10/9

Sunny & Her Joy Boys, featuring Duke Robillard, 8 p.m., $22 advance / $25 door, One Longfellow Square, 181 State St., Portland, 761-1757,


Saturday 10/10

“An Evening with Al Kooper: A Rare Solo Performance,” 8 p.m., $30, One Longfellow Square, 181 State St., Portland, 761-1757,


Community Chorus, rehearsals 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., first and third Saturday, the St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St., Portland, 775-5568 ext. 102 or

David Bullard Songwriter Night, 6 p.m. Tuesdays, Andy’s Pub, Commercial Street; Solo Night 6 p.m. Thursdays, Slainte Wine Bar, 24 Preble St., Portland.

House Bluegrass, 9 p.m. Mondays, no cover, Empire Dine & Dance, 575 Congress St., Portland.


Kirtan!, call & response group chanting meditation, 7-8:30 p.m., first and third Fridays, $5 donation, Portland Yoga Studio, 616 Congress St., Portland, 799-0054,

Lazy Lightning, Grateful Dead covers and original music, 9 p.m. Wednesdays, The Big Easy, 55 Market St., or 776-2822.

Theater & Dance

Wednesday 9/30

The Escapists, improv/sketch group, 7:30 p.m., $5, North Star Music Cafe, 225 Congress St., Portland,, 615-4021.

Thursday 10/1


“The Little Dog Laughed,” presented by Good Theater, 7:30 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays; 8 p.m. Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays, through Oct. 11, $15-$24, student and senior discounts on Saturdays and Sundays, St Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St., Portland, 885-5883,

Square Dancing Classes, by Mix ‘n Mingle Square Dancing Club, 6:30-8 p.m. Thursdays thru April, ages 9 and up, free for beginners on Oct. 1 and Oct. 8, $3 after Oct. 8, Eight Corners School, 22 Mussey Road, Scarborough, mixnmingle 

Friday 10/2

“The Little Dog Laughed,” presented by Good Theater, 7:30 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays; 8 p.m.  Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays, through Oct. 11, $15-$24, student and senior discounts on Saturdays and Sundays,  St Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St., Portland, 885-5883, 

“Side Man,” presented by Freeport Players, 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays, through Oct. 4, $16.50 adult, $12.50 student or senior, 140 Main St., Freeport, tickets, or the Clothes Tree Thrift Shop, Freeport.

Swing Dance, with live music by Big Chief, 8 p.m. lesson, 9 p.m. dance, $10, North Deering Grange Hall, 1408 Washington Ave., Portland, or 653-5012.  


“Weathering the Weather: Wrestling with Mother Nature,” improv by Portland Playback Theatre, 7:30 p.m., $5 donation, First Parish Church, intersection of Congress and Temple streets, Portland, 

Saturday 10/3

“The Little Dog Laughed,” presented by Good Theater, 7:30 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays; 8 p.m.  Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays, through Oct. 11, $15-$24, student and senior discounts on Saturdays and Sundays,  St Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St., Portland, 885-5883,

“The Magic Toy Shop,” presented by Maine State Ballet, 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m., $12, Maine State Ballet Theater, 348 U.S. Route 1, Falmouth, 781-7672. 

“Side Man,” presented by Freeport Players, 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays, through Oct. 4, $16.50 adult, $12.50 student or senior, 140 Main St., Freeport, tickets, or the Clothes Tree Thrift Shop, Freeport.

Sunday 10/4


“The Little Dog Laughed,” presented by Good Theater, 7:30 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays; 8 p.m. Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays, through Oct. 11, $15-$24, student and senior discounts on Saturdays and Sundays, St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St., Portland, 885-5883, 

“Side Man,” presented by Freeport Players, 7:30 p.m. Fridays and
Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays, through Oct. 4, $16.50 adult, $12.50
student or senior, 140 Main St., Freeport, tickets,
or the Clothes Tree Thrift Shop, Freeport.

Thursday 10/8

“Sylvia,” presented by Old Port Playhouse Theatre, pay what you can preview 7 p.m., Old Port Playhouse, 19 Temple St. Portland, 773-0333, 

Friday 10/9

“Sylvia,” presented by Old Port Playhouse Theatre, 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays matinees, through Oct. 25, Oct. 8, Old Port Playhouse, 19 Temple St. Portland, 773-0333,



Argentine Tango Practice, Wednesday 7-9 p.m., beginner lesson 7 p.m., $10; Ballroom Dance Party, Saturday 8 p.m.-midnight, beginner lesson 7 p.m., $7; Maine Ballroom Dance, 614 Congress St., Portland.

Club 188, line dancing instruction, Wednesday, 7-8 p.m. beginners; 8-9 p.m. intermediate; 9-9:30 p.m. advanced; 188 Warren Ave, Portland.

Greater Portland Community Contradance, first Saturday, 7:15 p.m. lesson, 8 p.m. main dance, $9 adult, $5 child, Falmouth Congregational Church Hall, 267 Falmouth Road, new dancers welcome, no partner needed, 756-2201.

Maplewood Dance Center, night classes followed by dance socials on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 383 Warren Ave., Portland, 878-0584, 

Mid Coast


Auditions/Calls for Art

Call for Art, “Young at Art #2,” artwork by artists ages 3-15, sponsored by The Merrymeeting Arts Center, 9 Main St., Bowdoinham, art show runs Oct. 16 – Dec. 27, call Peggy Muir, 666-3426. 

The Merrymeeting Singers is auditioning new singers / all parts for 2009-2010 season, contact Larry Lemmel, or 729-7294. 

Authors, Books

Tuesday 10/6

Kate Flora, mystery author of “Stalking Death,” 7 p.m., Morrell Meeting Room, Curtis Memorial Library, Brunswick, free refreshments by Bohemian Coffee House, 725-5242,


Wednesday 10/7

Brown Bag Lunch Discussion Series, “A Natural History of the Senses,” by Diane Ackerman, 12:15-1:15 p.m. Wednesdays through Nov. 4, free, no registration required, Morrell Meeting Room, Curtis Memorial Library, 23 Pleasant St., Brunswick, 725-5242,


Friday 10/9

“Gigante,” 1:30 p.m., free, monthly film series hosted by Patten Free Library, 33 Summer St., Bath, 443-5141.



Friday 10/3

“Fair weather: Original Watercolor Show” by watercolorist Margery Schuler, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Driftwood Inn, Bailey Island, 833-5461. 

Sunday 10/4

Art reception for Mark Beahm, 2 p.m., free, Lamarche Gallery, David Saul Smith Union, Bowdoin College, 725-3375.


11 Pleasant St. Arts Center, 11 Pleasant St., Brunswick, 319-6057 or


Allen & Selig Realty, landscapes and seascapes by Claudette Gamache, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, 15 Vine St., Bath, 443-2200 or

The Barn Door Cafe and Bakery, 4 Bowdoin Mill Island, Suite 102; 721-3099,

Bayview Gallery, “Lands of Light, Seas of Color: A joint exhibit with Robert Spring and Paul Stone,” through Oct. 3; 58 Maine St., Brunswick, Susan Robertson-Starr, 729-5500.  

Cabot Mill Gallery, Fort Andross, 14 Maine St., Brunswick, 837-9108.

Chocolate Church Arts Center, 798 Washington St., Bath, 442-8455 or

Coleman Burke Gallery, “Recounters,” by Abby Manock, through Oct. 17, Fort Andross, 14 Maine St., Brunswick,


Gallery at Park Row, 185 Park Row, Brunswick, 907-4016.

Gallery at Widgeon Cove, by appointment, Route 123, Harpswell, 833-6081 or

Gallery at Schoolhouse Crossing, 48 West Schoolhouse Crossing Road, Topsham, 603-674-6098 or

Harbor Works Gallery, “Up River: The Story of a Maine Fishing Community,” by Olive Pierce, through Oct. 11, Holbrook-Trufant House, 977C Cundy’s Harbor Road, Harpswell,, Guy Saldanha,, 841-9812. 

Icon Contemporary Art,  Mark Wethli: New Work, through Oct. 3; 19 Mason St., Brunswick, 725-8157.

Just Framing, 149 Front St., Bath.


LaMarche Gallery, David Saul Smith Union, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, 725-3902.

Mae’s Cafe, 160 Centre St., Bath, 442-8577 or

Maine Art Gallery, 15 Warren St., Wiscasset, 882-7511,

Maine Fiberarts Gallery, 13 Main St., Topsham, 721-0678,

Merrymeeting Arts Center, “Stone & Rock,” multi-dimensional artworks of stone or rock, through Oct. 3, Cathance Landing, 9 Main St., Bowdoinham,

Old Post Office Gallery, original oils, pastels, watercolors of five local artists, Route 127, Georgetown, 371-2015.


Points of View Art Gallery, “Chalk Talk,” new work by pastel artists Jeanne Brooks, Harriet Lindemann, Barbara Snapp and others, through Oct. 2, Brunswick Business Center, 18 Pleasant St., Brunswick, 373-9300.  

Sarah Greenier Gallery, Maine, marine and coastal paintings, 428 Middle St., Bath, 443-3936.

Sebascodegan Artists Cooperative Gallery, 4 Old Orr’s Island Road, Harpswell, 833-5717.

Topsham Public Library Crooker Gallery, 25 Foreside Road, Topsham, 725-1727 or

Whatnot Gallery, Spindleworks, 7 Lincoln St., Brunswick.

Second Friday ArtWalk in Brunswick and Topsham, 30 participating
artist studios, galleries and businesses in downtown Brunswick and
Topsham, 5-8 p.m., hosted by Five Rivers Arts Alliance, for map,




Maine Maritime Museum, “Net Worth: the Rise and Fall of Maine’s Fin Fisheries,” exhibit through Nov. 29, open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., 243 Washington St., Bath, 443-1316 or

Pejepscot Historical Society Museum, “CSI Brunswick: The Forensic Work of Dr. Frank Whittier,” and “Pejepscot’s Early Scots-Irish History,” Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., free, 159 Park Row, Brunswick, 729-6606.


Friday 10/2


Fifth Annual FODfest, Friends of Daniel Pearl music festival, 7 p.m., The Frontier Cafe, Fort Andross, Brunswick, venue and seating, or 725-5222.

Tim Clough and John Smedley, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Solo Bistro, 128 Front St., Bath, 443-3373.

Thursday 10/8

Lynn Deeves, Trina Hamlin and Colleen Sexton in concert, 7 p.m., $12, Frontier Cafe, 14 Maine St., Fort Andross Mill 3, Brunswick, 725-5222,

Theater & Dance

Friday 10/2


Garth Fagan, choreographer of Broadway’s “The Lion King,” lecture and theater demonstration, 7:30 p.m., free, tickets required, Pickard Theater, Memorial Hall, Bowdoin College, tickets available at David Saul Smith Union information desk, 725-3375.


Sage Swingers, Square and Round Dance Club, 6:30 p.m. Monday round dance workshops, Coffin School Cafeteria, Barrows St., Brunswick, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday square dance workshops, Jordan Acres School Cafeteria, Brunswick, 389-2568 or

Sidebar Elements

Kelley-Pier Nocturne0930.jpgCygnet Gallery in Portland will be showcasing artwork by five new artists at the First Friday Art Walk on Oct. 2. A reception will be held to celebrate the new paintings by Maine artists Susan Inoue, Elizabeth Kelley, Janet Ledoux, Vanessa Nesvig and Nadine Schoepfle. The reception is from 5 to 8 p.m. at Cygnet Gallery, 568 Congress St., in Portland. ‘Pier Nocturne,’ pictured above, by one of Cygnet’s newest artists, Elizabeth Kelley, is among the new gallery collection.

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