INDIANAPOLIS – Three people kept a 65-year-old woman with dementia locked in a tiny room with a urine-soaked mattress to sleep on and a dog bowl to drink from so that they could live off her monthly Social Security checks, authorities said.

A police officer sent to the suspects’ home in Anderson on Thursday found Anna Turner locked in the 6-foot by 8-foot storage room, police said in a probable cause affidavit.

Luigi A. Amalfitano, 45, told the officer that he didn’t know Turner and that she wasn’t at the home. But the officer conducted a sweep of the home and found Turner in a room that was “barely fit to contain an animal, let alone a human being,” according to police.

Amalfitano, his 20-year-old son Louis A. Amalfitano and his son’s girlfriend 21-year-old Stephanie Lynette Cole were arrested and face preliminary charges of exploitation of an endangered adult. The Amalfitanos also face preliminary charges of confinement and battery, and Cole faces a preliminary charge of aiding confinement.

The three remained jailed Friday on $100,000 cash bonds.

Anderson police Detective Mitch Carroll said Turner suffered severe physical abuse and was gaunt, malnourished and had a black eye and large bruises on her arm and body.

He said she was hospitalized, but her injuries were not life-threatening.

Police estimated she weighed 85 pounds when they found her.


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