I have followed, with considerable interest, the recent discourse between two former political rivals in our state concerning proposed industrial wind turbines for the mountains and ridge-lines of central and western Maine.

Former Gov. Angus King and political opponent Jonathan Carter are embroiled in a passionate debate on this subject, and I am curious about the accuracy of information that has been presented during these discussions. I would appreciate the opportunity to examine and clarify the seemingly erroneous information presented within.

I am not, nor do I have any desire to be, a political activist. Nor am I an eloquent debater. I am, however, deeply concerned about the future of our state, our quality of life and place, and the legacy we are leaving for our children and grandchildren.

Therefore, I hereby extend a public invitation to King, Carter and any other proponents or opponents of proposed industrial wind projects on the mountains and ridges of central and western Maine, to join me in a debate on the merits versus the drawbacks of these projects.

The time and place of said debate can be scheduled at their conveniences, although it should be held in a public forum with media coverage, in order to educate as many people as possible on this subject.

Although I doubt that this invitation will be accepted, I am, nonetheless, providing my contact information, and am eagerly anticipating their response.


David Small

207-399-3436; sanchezteca@tds.net



Column on composers strikes a sour note

I am puzzled by Christopher Hyde’s Classical Beat column (July 11) dealing with a rather imprecise term, “derangement,” under which he discusses depression, dementia and the ravages of syphilis exhibited by certain composers.


These are definitely not, in his words, “a necessity for the highest type of creative endeavor.” Quite the opposite; the creative endeavor is inhibited and/or destroyed.

Furthermore, his attribution of syphilis to the illnesses of Mozart and Beethoven is not supported by scholars such as H.C. Robbins Landon (“1791: Mozart’s Last Year”) and Maynard Solomon (“Beethoven”).

Landon refers to the work of two physicians who analyze Mozart’s medical symptoms and history and reach different conclusions, neither of which is syphilis. Solomon gives post-hepatitic cirrhosis as the cause of Beethoven’s death.

In addition, Rossini did not give up composing for cooking. Rather, with the exception of a few years during which composition was difficult, he composed to the end of his life.

Hyde’s description of J.S. Bach as a sex addict due to his having 20 children (by two wives in a time in which contraceptives were unreliable when used at all) is ludicrous.

I would expect more accurate and responsible reporting.


The Rev. Richard E. Sanner


Understanding climate change requires using reliable sources

In response to Dave Irons’ column that suggests that CO2 is not a significant contributor to climate change:

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency review “is explicit in its finding that the key conclusions of the IPCC 4th Assessment Report are accurate, correct and supported entirely by the leading science in the field.” The (AR4) concluded after input from thousands of scientists and researchers that: “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal.”

Concerning the Little Ice Age, the IPCC states “ they may represent largely independent regional climate changes, not a globally-synchronous increased glaciation,” and are therefore left out.


The Scientific American points out how increased CO2 is being absorbed by the world’s oceans, producing carbolic acid. The ocean’s pH is more acidic than ever before, which in turn reduces the carbonate in the seawater. “Marine animals will find it harder to build skeletons, construct reefs, or simply to grow and breathe. Compared with past geologic events, the speed and scale of this conversion is astonishing.”

Dr. Gabriel Calzada’s Spain study has been debunked by the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Spain’s Secretary of State for Climate, American Wind Energy Association, Media Matters, and The Wall Street Journal. Dr. Calzada’s credibility has also been called into question by The Wall Street Journal for his close financial ties to ExxonMobil and for his founding of the libertarian ideology- based Juan de Mariana Institute.

I would suggest to Mr. Irons that if he truly wants to understand global climate and green energy issues, he should rely more on independent peer-reviewed scientific journals and papers than information gleaned from conservative organizations.

Jeff Plucker


Increase in smoking by youths means parents need to step up


Young people are reportedly smoking more. The accompanying outcry is more programs and spending.

Kids have told me, “They shove that stuff down our throats.” The kids who are going to smoke still smoke. These programs seldom work because they do not give kids what they actually need.

Kids need to have a sense of safety, security and freedom; a sense of roots, identity and belonging; confidence and competence. Kids need to feel loved and lovable. Kids need to feel good about themselves. Kids need time and attention.

We have to go to the roots, to the source. Kids need mothers and fathers.

The best anti-smoking prevention program in the world is a stable family that models healthy living. Smoking is not the issue. Connection is the issue.

Kids who smoke feel disconnected and they will continue to smoke in an attempt to assuage the pain and loneliness of separation from parents who are not there for them.


Kids have the other parent (TV, computers, cell phones and so on). But kids are not machines and attempting to mechanize kids is dehumanizing and destructive. Kids are dying inside for want of connection. Look at those dead faces. Those dead eyes.

With every decision we make, we have to ask ourselves, “Is this good for our children? If not, then why are we doing it?” What do kids need and are not getting? The foundation only a functional family can provide.

Without that foundation, nothing else really matters. Family should be our focus. Family surrounded by a community that supports families. Parents are the problem and the solution.

For connected kids, smoking is not the issue.

Koko Preston, MA, WOC

Author of “Organic Parenting: The Prevention of Parent Deficit Disorder”



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