Michael Richards, chairman of the Peaks Island Council, has announced he will resign as of Nov. 1. The move means the council will effectively dissolve because four of the advisory board’s seven members have announced that they will quit as of Nov. 1. Three others have decided not to run for re-election.

Even if three people run for the three open seats, the council will not have enough members for a quorum.

Council members say they are frustrated that they have been unable to persuade Portland officials to provide adequate public safety on the island and lower the costs of ferry transportation and parking.

Created three years ago after the island’s failed attempt to secede from Portland, the Peaks Island Council was seen as way to give islanders a stronger voice in city government.

Richards announced his decision in his “View from the Chair” column in the August issue of the Island Times. He said that council has been a strong advocate for the island, but the city has refused to make any meaningful changes to make the island more affordable. He said the island needs to try something else, such as creating a village corporation or making an another attempt to secede from the city of Portland.

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