WASHINGTON — The government will quickly appeal a court ruling that undercut federally funded embryonic stem cell research, the Obama administration declared Tuesday, but dozens of experiments aimed at fighting spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease and other ailments probably will stop in the meantime.

The White House and scientists said Monday’s court ruling was broader than first thought because it would prohibit even the more-restricted stem cell research allowed for the past decade under President George W. Bush’s rules.

The Justice Department said an appeal is expected this week of the federal judge’s preliminary injunction that disrupted an entire field of science.

That initial ruling won’t stop all the work that scientists call critical to finding new therapies for devastating diseases. The National Institutes of Health told anxious researchers late Tuesday that if they’ve already received money this year — $131 million in total — they can keep doing their stem cell experiments.

But 22 projects that were due to get yearly checks in September, $54 million worth, “will be stopped in their tracks,” said NIH Director Francis Collins – meaning a waste of the millions those scientists already have spent unless they can find private dollars to keep the stem cells alive. Dozens more proposals won’t get a hearing pending the court case’s conclusion.

“This decision has just poured sand into the engine of discovery,” Collins said.


However, the ruling drew praise from the Alliance Defense Fund, a group of Christian attorneys who helped with the lawsuit filed by two researchers against the administration rules.

“The American people should not be forced to pay for experiments — prohibited by federal law — that destroy human life. The court is simply enforcing an existing law passed by Congress that prevents Americans from paying another penny for needless research on human embryos,” said Steven H. Aden, the group’s senior legal counsel.

President Obama, who last year ordered an expansion of stem cell research, “put forward stringent ethical guidelines, and he thinks that his policy’s the right one,” Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton said Tuesday.

Asked if it might take new legislation from Congress to counter the ruling from U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, Burton said the administration was exploring all avenues “to make sure that we can continue to do this critical lifesaving research.”

How quickly any appeal could go through may determine how much is permanently lost.

“These cells are notoriously finicky, and you have to take care of them every day. You can’t just lock up a lab and walk away for two weeks and come back and everything’s fine,” medical ethicist Jonathan Moreno said at the University of Pennsylvania, where scientists were scrambling to tell which projects had to halt and which didn’t.

If it takes “months to settle the legal wrangling, then we will just end our work,” said Sean Morrison, director of the University of Michigan Center for Stem Cell Biology, whose lab is studying embryonic stem cells in hopes of reversing a serious intestinal birth defect.


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