Pop star Taylor Swift returned to Kennebunk on Thursday to prepare for tonight’s television debut of the video that she shot in town for her song “Mine.”

CMT will air the video at 8.

Swift, 20, is expected to be in Kennebunkport for the showing, although details of her whereabouts and her plans are being kept under wraps.

She was in town Thursday to film secondary footage to be used in association with the introduction of the video tonight. She and a CMT film crew arrived at Christ Church on Dane Street early Thursday. Swift was accompanied by her mother, said the Rev. Janet Leighninger, pastor at Christ Church.

Swift used Christ Church as a central site in the video.

“They were filming some of what they call B-shoots. Early (Thursday) morning, I found out that she was actually going to be here. Everyone with her crew could not have been sweeter, more low key or down to earth. They were very respectful, regular people,” Leighninger said.


They arrived at about 9:30 a.m. and left by noon.

Leighninger set up the church’s knitting room for Swift to sit in during breaks in Thursday’s shooting. The pastor said she had a long talk with Swift’s mother.

“We talked about growing up and where Taylor’s brother is going to school and what it’s like to have an empty nest,” she said. “It was a real normal kind of conversation.”

Leighninger also met Swift. “She is very sweet, very grounded and very humble. Not at all what you would be afraid of.”

Swift’s return to town created a buzz. About 30 people gathered outside the church, said Shannon Bard, who lives a few doors down.

“Kennebunk is small town. Through the rumor mill, I heard Taylor was going to be here,” Bard said.


She took her 9-year-old daughter, Logan, and two friends to the church.

“We walked down there at about 10:30 and were lucky enough to see Taylor. It was pretty much low key. She did not come out and sign autographs, but she did wave and smile,” Bard said.

Bard is planning a party at her house for tonight’s video debut. She’s going to pop popcorn and have a few of her daughter’s friends over. During the filming of the video earlier this summer, Logan and her brother, 10-year-old Devin, were part of a crowd scene.

Whether they make the final cut remains to be seen. But Bard said her kids are hopeful.

Staff Writer Bob Keyes can be contacted at 791-6457 or at:



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