The Peaks Island Council wants to meet with city officials to discuss whether the island should govern itself as a village corporation while remaining a part of the city of Portland.

Michael Richards, chairman of the Peaks Island Council, has sent a letter to Portland Mayor Nicholas Mavodones Jr. requesting a meeting.

Richards said the Peaks Island Council is examining whether a village corporation could be an alternative to either continuing the council or asking the Legislature for Peaks Island’s independence from Portland.

The council has discussed using Bustins Island in Freeport as a model. The island, which has 115 summer cottages, is about a mile from South Freeport and has no electricity. Even though the island sits within the territorial boundaries of the town of Freeport, it has been a self-governing entity since 1913. The village corporation receives 60 percent of the taxes that island residents pay the town of Freeport.

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