That was a funny column by Bill Nemitz on Sept. 10 (“A mayor to cut ribbons and cash in”).

But let’s take a step a back, OK? The real issue is: Do we value leadership in Portland? Do we think it’s a good idea?
If you think “no,” then vote “no” on Nov. 2. If you say “yes,” then my next question is: Where will that leadership come from? Will it come from our City Council?  Are they moving Portland in a positive direction? Do you see them working together to advance our city? 

For instance, do you think how the council handled the Maine State Pier process was just how our government should operate? If so, then you don’t want to change a thing, and you, too, should vote “no” in November. 

Or maybe you think leadership should come from the city manager?  Problem is, that’s not his job. The city manager runs the city operationally on a day-to-day basis, but he wasn’t hired to look down the road for Portland, to develop economic opportunities, to advocate for us in Augusta and Washington.

Well, who then? Who will lead Portland? My city taxes help to staff the schools, pay for the firemen and police and keep the roads plowed. But you know what?  I wouldn’t mind if a teeny-weeny piece of my taxes also went to ensure that somebody in Portland was looking out for the city and was responsible for working with citizens, business groups, neighborhood associations, non-profits – yes, even newspaper columnists – to bring jobs and growth to Portland.

Someone who was in office long enough to get something done, and not get kicked out every 12 months.
One more thing. I’d like to vote for that person, too. Now, is that so much to ask?

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