Jerry Davis notes a Robert Frost quotation in his brochure: “I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” If re-elected state senator, voters can depend on Jerry’s continuing to work painstakingly, keeping his promises and always going the extra mile.

Jerry was a highly respected history teacher at Portland High when we met. He was also a beloved coach of football, track and girls’ soccer. He knew how to nurture and care for kids. He knew how to build on the strengths of each student and player. He instilled skill-building techniques and taught kids the art of working together to achieve a goal. For over 30 years Jerry excelled as team-builder, teacher, coach. His exceptional people skills and gracious manner became his hallmark: an ability to listen and respond quickly to concerns of his constituents.

Jerry is devoted to family, church, community and country. He has achieved an outstanding record of self-giving and service. His experience will be an asset in helping Maine to find solutions for a more effective government. His concerns reflect thousands of hurting Maine voters, among them family members and neighbors.

Who’s going to stand up for you? Jerry is getting my vote on Nov. 2. He’ll stand up ably and honorably for every Mainer. He’ll continue to lead with honor as state senator of District 11. Let’s re-elect Jerry Davis.

Marge Merrill Devine

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