PORTLAND — A 25-year-old Portland man fighting deportation to Guatemala joined with other undocumented immigrants Thursday during a small rally in Monument Square to push for federal immigration reform.

Selvin Arevalo, who came to this country as a teenager, was released Friday after being detained a total of seven months at Cumberland County Jail and in Suffolk County in Massachusetts. U.S.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement initiated deportation proceedings against Arevalo in April after the undocumented immigrant fled a minor motor vehicle accident. He is now awaiting court action on the case.

Arevalo’s quest for citizenship has been taken up by the Student Immigration Movement, which is pushing for passage of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors bill, known as the DREAM Act.

Under the DREAM Act, undocumented immigrants who came to this country as minors would be able to achieve legal permanent residency and citizenship if they go to college or serve in the military. Organizers of the rally said they hope to persuade Maine senators to support the bill.

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