Jessica Maurer, an attorney in the Maine Attorney General’s Office, has been named executive director of the Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging.

Maurer has worked in the Attorney General’s Office for nearly 20 years. She has worked extensively on issues affecting seniors, including elder abuse, prescription drug pricing and end-of-life care.

Gareth Gumbley has joined Wright Express as executive vice president. Gumbley was previously the chief executive officer of the epay division at Euronet Worldwide and was senior vice president and officer there.

Michael St. Pierre has joined S.W. Cole Engineering, Inc. in Augusta as a geotechnical engineer. St. Pierre was previously a civil engineering instructor at the University of Maine in Orono. For the past three years, he worked for Foundation Engineering, Inc., in Portland, Ore., as a geotechnical engineer.

Justin Holmes has been named executive director of the Knox/Waldo Regional Economic Development Council.


Holmes, of the Eaton Peabody Consulting Group, has worked as an economic development specialist for the Mid Coast Economic Development District, which covers Brunswick and Sagadahoc and Lincoln counties.


The Maine Volunteer Lawyers Project honored Jennifer Eastman, an attorney at Rudman & Winchell in Bangor, for her pro bono work.

Eastman was recognized for providing access to justice for low-income families.

Eastman joined other attorneys from Maine for a luncheon at the annual meeting for the Maine State Bar Association.



Gary Reed was appointed co-chair of the Maine Association of Retirees’ Legislative Committee.

Reed, of Falmouth, is a former state representative, representing Falmouth and parts of Cumberland and Portland at various times. He served on the Legislature’s Labor and Commerce and Appropriations and Financial Affairs panels.

He also held community leadership positions with the Maine Jaycees and Falmouth Zoning Board of Appeals and was chairman of the town’s charter review commission.

Marge Kilkelly was elected vice president of the New England Farmers Union. Kilkelly is a farmer in Dresden and a former state senator.

She and her husband, Joseph Murray, own and operate Dragonfly Cove Farm, where they raise meat goats, poultry, pigs and garlic to sell at local farmers markets and at the farm.

Janmarie Toker, an attorney and partner at the law firm McTeague Higbee, celebrated her 25th year advocating for labor issues in Maine.


Toker, of Yarmouth, has spent most of her career helping longshore workers navigate the legal system. She also represents members of Local 6, the largest union at Bath Iron Works. She joined McTeague Higbee in 1986 and became a partner in 1990.

Nancy E. Smith, executive director of GrowSmart Maine, was accepted into the Maine Association of Nonprofits’ 2011 Nonprofit Leadership Institute. Smith was one of 20 applicants selected for the eight-month program.

Pine Tree Legal Assistance in Portland recently marked its 10th year of operating the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, a program that assists low-income taxpayers with federal tax controversies. Since 2001, the program has served 2,615 people and resulted in savings of more than $2 million for taxpayers in Maine.


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