• Local Food Network Breakfast, 8 a.m., Local Sprouts Cooperative Cafe, Portland. Join others interested in the local food movement for a casual gathering. Free. Cost for breakfast items. jeremy@internet-farmer.com.

Leon Anderson Art Reception, 4:30 to 7 p.m., Maine Medical Center, Dana Center, Portland. Meet artist Leon Anderson and view the exhibition of his work called “Reflecting Maine.” Free. 662-4405.


• Maine Women’s Fund Leadership Luncheon, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland. Network with women leaders and then hear a panel discussion during lunch. $45 advance/$55 at door. 774-5513.

Strictly Social, 5 to 7 p.m., Thornton Oaks, Brunswick. Meet members of the Brunswick Downtown Association and enjoy appetizers and a cash bar, which benefits the Brunswick Fire Victims’ Fund. Free. 729-4439.


Business After 5, 5 to 7 p.m., Atlantic Regional Federal Credit Union, Cumberland Center. Mingle with members of the Falmouth Cumberland Community Chamber and enjoy appetizers and a cash bar. Free members/$15 nonmembers. www.portlandregion.com.


• Business After Hours, 5 to 7 p.m., Quirk Chevrolet, Portland. Meet members of the Portland Chamber at this South of the Border fiesta, with appetizers and a cash bar. Free members/$15 nonmembers. www.portlandregion.com.

Kids First Gala Auction, 6 to 10 p.m., Woodlands Club, Falmouth. Enjoy Mexican appetizers and an open bar, featuring signature margaritas, then bid in the live and silent auctions and dance to the salsa music of the Tony Boffa Band. $75. 761-2709.

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