AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Gov. Rick Perry has invited the nation’s governors to join him in a prayer day to seek God’s guidance to deal with the problems facing America.

The day for prayer and fasting is planned for Aug. 6 in Houston and is sponsored by the American Family Association, a Christian advocacy group. The organization’s website says the event is intended to be a nondenominational, apolitical, Christian prayer service.

Perry’s invitation comes on the heels of his announcement that he is considering a run for president. He is a strong advocate of the Christian conservative wing of the Republican party. He has attended numerous Christian events as governor, and was an early adopter of tea party rhetoric.

This invitation, though, has attracted national attention.

“Given the trials that beset our nation and world, from the global economic downturn to natural disasters, the lingering danger of terrorism and continued debasement of our culture, I believe it is time to convene the leaders from each of our United States in a day of prayer and fasting, like that described in the book of Joel,” Perry said in a statement.

Titled, “The Response,” the event is scheduled to take place at Reliant Stadium. On the website dedicated to the event, organizers said “America is in the midst of a historic crisis.”


“We want the presence, power, and person of Christ to fill our nation and turn the hearts of millions to righteousness, peace, and joy in him,” the group’s website gives as a mission statement. “We want to see real change across our nation that only our God can perform.”

In his invitation to other governors, he urged them to also proclaim Aug. 6 a day to pray for “unity and righteousness.”

The Secular Coalition for America issued a statement urging governors not to attend.


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