Kim Monaghan-Derrig has announced that she will be running for state representative in the special election this summer in House District 121. We fully support her candidacy. Kim has long-standing roots in Cape Elizabeth. She is active on the School Board, and has a great deal of public policy and economic development experience. She will represent us well in Augusta.

This past legislative session the Republican agenda was all about political payback to their hard right base. We were shocked when they introduced bills that attacked a woman’s right to choose, tried to roll back child labor laws, and restricted voting rights. Bizarrely, they even tried to allow toxins in baby bottles.

We need to send somebody to Augusta that will stand up to these radical proposals and do what is best for Cape Elizabeth residents and the state of Maine.

That’s why we urge our community to vote for Kim Monaghan-Derrig.

Jeffrey Stevensen & Dana Trattner
Cape Elizabeth

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