OSLO, Norway – Norway casts it as the isolated act of a lone-wolf terrorist whose boasts of a far-flung network of anti-Muslim warriors were the fantasies of a deranged mind.

European officials at an emergency counter-terror meeting see a continent-wide threat from right-wing extremists amid mounting Islamophobia — and warn of possible copycats.

Two visions of the Norway atrocity emerged Thursday as Europe gropes for answers following the massacre that claimed 78 lives.

The twin attacks carried out by Anders Behring Breivik have stirred questions in Europe about whether authorities have neglected the threat of right-wing extremists in their push to crack down on Islamist terror groups after 9/11.

Security officials insist they have not, and statistics from the European police agency Europol show no surge in right-wing terror.

Still, many politicians saw the Norway attacks as a violent expression of a far-right populist movement that has swept anti-Muslim parties calling for strict immigration limits into parliaments across the continent.


At an emergency meeting in Brussels, European Union counterterrorism officials warned that radicals who share Breivik’s ideology might be tempted to follow his lead.

“Clearly, one major risk is that somebody may actually try to mount a similar attack as a copycat attack or as a way of showing support,” said Tim Jones, principal adviser to the EU’s counterterrorism coordinator. In September, EU interior ministers are to discuss responses to the Norway massacre.

Across Europe, far-right groups were quick to distance themselves from the Norway attacker. Geert Wilders of the Netherlands’ right-wing Party for Freedom tweeted: “Terrible attack in Oslo, many innocent victims of violent, sick mind.”


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