On Sept. 11, 2001 many men and women risked and lost their lives to help those trapped by the attacks on the World Trade Center. This year, police officers, firefighters and EMTs are not invited to the opening of the new 9/11 memorial because “there is no more room.”

Ten years ago, they were not invited, yet they came anyway. This year I believe they deserve some credit.

Have someone place a firemen’s hat on each fire hydrant today, the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

This will be a symbol of our thanks to everyone involved with saving people in the attacks that day and show our appreciation to those who fight every day to protect us and our country so something like this won’t happen again. Please help me to spread the word and give these people the recognition they deserve.

Kiana Leigh



Former VP trying to cover a shameful legacy 

Having served over 30 years in the military, I have always had a disdain for people unwilling to serve their country in the military.

Among those would be former Vice-President Dick Cheney, who sought five deferments to avoid being drafted during the war in Vietnam.

Certainly he is no conscientious objector. Instead he has proven himself to be a war monger who personally orchestrated the Iraq war.

The war continues resulting in great monetary profits to his political allies; deaths of American troops; awful civilian deaths; massive displacement of Iraqi Christians; the impoverishment of millions; and billions of U.S. dollars being lost.

He is a rear-echelon, wanna-be-soldier-narcissist who orchestrated the torture of helpless, prisoners to make false confessions used to convince UN nations to join us in the invasion of Iraq; to humiliate prisoners at Abu Ghraib; and to create secret, foreign rendition sites out of view of the American public.


In recent television interviews, Cheney continues to champion torture in promoting his new book, “In My Time.” He says he paints a favorable picture of himself and an unfavorable one of his colleagues.

For example, the former VP boldly bashes combat veterans such as Colin Powell and ex-POW Sen. John McCain who opposed the torture of prisoners.

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of-staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell was quoted as saying, “This is a book written out of fear — fear that one day someone will ‘Pinochet’ Dick Cheney,” alluding to the former Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet, who was arrested for war crimes while seeking treatment in a London hospital. Wilkerson also calls for George W. Bush and Cheney to be held accountable for their crimes in office.

Sadly, the Obama administration has declined any war crime investigation or prosecution. Go figure!

Patrick Eisenhart



Attack on LURC a threat to Maine’s North Woods 

Maine’s natural heritage is on the line in the debate over the future of the Land Use Regulation Commission, the government body charged with protecting Maine’s North Woods (“Control key issue in debate on LURC,” Aug. 21).

What Gov. LePage wants is not a more efficient way to make responsible land-use decisions in the Maine Woods; it’s free rein for large, out-of-state developers and landowners, making it possible to turn this remote, unbroken forest into large resorts and housing subdivisions. Dismantling the commission would roll back 40 years of protections, opening the Maine Woods up to reckless development and threatening to change Maine’s landscape forever.

The North Woods, the largest unbroken forest east of the Mississippi River, is where generations of Mainers have gone to hike, fish and enjoy the wild outdoors. From Baxter State Park to Moosehead Lake, most of us have a special place up north where we go to experience the real Maine, with its majestic forests, beautiful mountains and clear streams.

Gov. LePage’s plans threaten Maine’s last great wild lands. Now Mainers must fight back to protect the places we love.

Alexandra Fields


Environment Maine


Aid to small airports subsidizes the rich 

I think it is ridiculous that the federal government subsidizes flights from Boston to Augusta so a wealthy out-of-stater, Dave Keslica, can get to his summer home in Maine more quickly and less expensively. (“Threat to airline subsidies leaves Maine up in the air,” Aug 8).

He pays $62 each way for his ticket and the federal government pays $129. Is he saying he can’t afford to pay the full fare of that ticket, but he can afford a second home?

The same subsidy was afforded to consultant Dale Shaller of Minnesota, who didn’t want to drive the three hours from Boston to Augusta. Really, second home owners and businessmen can’t afford an additional $129 for an airline ticket so the federal government should pay for it?


Our senators and representatives need to get their priorities straight. This is a waste of taxpayers’ money and wealthy individuals and corporations should not benefit from these subsidies.

Kelly Prucnal


Professor’s tax analysis based on shaky math 

I never thought I might be challenging a Yale Law professor, much less a man of the reputation of Stephen L. Carter. But here goes.

In his piece “Bizarre Notions of Taxes Divide Us” (Sept. 4), Carter refers to our national discussion about “. . . tax increases mainly on those earning more than $250,000 a year.” He goes on to say “there isn’t much in the way of shared sacrifice when a taxpayer who makes, say, $275,000 a year has to pay an extra 3 percent ($8,250) while a civil servant earning, say, $175,000 a year retains all of her income.”


There are two errors. 1)The “extra 3 percent” referred to would be the additional percentage applied to income over $250,000, or in his example 3 percent of $25,000 ($750), not $8,250. 2) To say that “a civil servant earning, say, $175,000 a year gets to keep all of her income,” implies that the civil servant pays no taxes — hardly the case.

David Wynne


Political crisis could be eased with civility 

It seems to me that in this world of financial problems, whether in Europe, the United States or our own home, we need to work at being more civil to one another, no matter our views.

I have noticed that recently some of the “entries” into the presidential race appear to be labeled with some unflattering descriptions. This was never more obvious than when Sarah Palin was skewered in her interviews on Saturday Night Live as well as by anyone in Alaska whom she may have crossed.


Why don’t we listen and, if we disagree, counter the belief, not the person? If in fact a politician has a position contrary to yours, express your belief and explain why.

This is heathier than attacking a person.

Bob Duke


Vermonters grateful for help from Maine 

I am writing from Rochester, Vt., one of many Vermont towns which suffered so much damage from Tropical Storm Irene.


For days now, there have been medical teams from all over Maine on duty at our school helping to augment the efforts of our own rescue squad.

They’ve been completely helpful, cheerful and kind and we are deeply grateful for the help. We love Maine more than ever.

Ross Laffan

Rochester, Vt

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