WASHINGTON — U.S. consumers stepped up their spending on retail goods in September, a hopeful sign for the sluggish economy.

They spent more on autos, clothing and furniture last month to boost retail sales 1.1 percent, the Commerce Department said Friday. It was the largest gain in seven months.

Auto sales rose 3.6 percent to drive the overall increase. Still, excluding that category, sales gained a solid 0.6 percent.

The government also revised the August figures to show a 0.3 percent increase, up from its initial report of no gain.

Stocks rose after the release of the report, which is the government’s first look at consumer spending each month. The Dow Jones industrial average gained 166.36 points, or 1.4 percent, to close at 11,644.49. Broader indexes also rose.

A separate Commerce Department report showed that businesses added to their stockpiles in August for the 20th consecutive month, while sales rose for a third straight month. The increase suggests businesses were confident enough in the economy to keep stocking their shelves.


Stronger consumer spending could help tamp down concerns that the economy is at risk of a recession. Consumer spending is closely watched because it accounts for 70 percent of economic activity.

The increase “shows that households are not completely down and out,” said Paul Dales, senior U.S. economists for Capital Economics. Dales said the data correspond with an annual growth rate of 2 percent for consumer spending growth in the July-September quarter.

Dales cautioned that weak hiring will likely keep consumers from spending at this rate on a month-to-month basis.

“Sales growth is unlikely to remain this strong,” he said. “So although a recession has become less likely, households still can’t be relied on to drag the U.S. economy out of its continued malaise.”

The September gains were broad-based:

Department stores sales increased 1.1 percent, a big turnaround from August when sales had fallen 0.5 percent. The drop was blamed in part on Hurricane Irene’s disruption of shopping along the East Coast.


•  A larger category of general merchandise stores, which includes big-chain retailers Walmart and Target, showed a 0.7 percent rise last month after no gain in August.

•  Specialty clothing stores sales rose 1.3 percent, after a 0.4 percent August drop.

•  Sales were up 1.1 percent at furniture stores but edged down a slight 0.1 percent at hardware stores. That surprised economists, who expected more traffic from people seeking to repair damage from the hurricane.

•  Gas station sales rose 1.2 percent.

The overall economy grew at an annual rate of 0.9 percent in the first six months of the year. That was the weakest growth since the recession ended in June 2009.

High unemployment and steep gasoline prices forced many consumers to cut back on spending this spring. Without more jobs or higher pay increases, they are likely to keep spending cautiously.

In September, the economy generated 103,000 net jobs, far from what is needed to lower the unemployment rate, which stayed at 9.1 percent.

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