President wins in landslide over nearest challenger

President Cristina Fernandez was re-elected in a landslide Sunday, winning with the widest victory margin in Argentina’s history after her government spread the wealth of a booming economy.

Fernandez had 53 percent of the vote after 43 percent of the polling stations reported nationwide. Her nearest challenger got just 17 percent.

She is Latin America’s first woman to be re-elected as president, but the victory was personally bittersweet – the first without her husband and predecessor, Nestor Kirchner, who died of a heart attack last Oct. 27.

Fernandez suffered high negative ratings early in her presidency, but she soared in popularity as a widow by softening her usually combative tone and proving her ability to command loyalty or respect from an unruly political elite.


KABUL, Afghanistan

Karzai: Afghans would side with Pakistan against U.S.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai says his country would side with its neighbor if the United States ever attacked Pakistan.

“God forbid, if ever there is a war between Pakistan and America, Afghanistan will stand by Pakistan,” Karzai told Pakistan’s Geo television. “If Pakistan is attacked, and if the people of Pakistan need help, Afghanistan will be there with you.”

Just a few days earlier, Karzai stood with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in Kabul, accusing Pakistan of giving refuge to Taliban insurgents who have been fighting his government.

There is growing concern in Kabul and Washington about Pakistan’s role in the Afghan conflict. Many believe senior Taliban leaders are based in the Pakistani city of Quetta and insurgents have maintained strongholds along the border.



Red-tailed hawk recovering after wound from nail gun

A red-tailed hawk that rescuers said was shot in the head with a nail gun was recovering Sunday at a Northern California wildlife center.

The hawk, captured in a San Francisco park by rescuers Saturday, was doing “very well” while being cared for at the Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley in San Jose, said Rebecca Dmytryk, executive director of the Monterey-based group WildRescue.

The juvenile bird was trapped Saturday evening at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens.

A reward of $10,000 has been offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever harmed the bird.

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