ALFRED — Federal, state, county and local police from New Hampshire and Maine held a joint news conference Wednesday morning at the Maine State Police barracks in Alfred to discuss Tuesday’s capture of escaped convict David Hobson.

Police said Hobson bought supplies at the Scarborough Wal-Mart on Friday before heading out into the York County woods to evade police.

Hobson escaped last week from jail and had driven to Scarbrough in a car he’d stolen. At the Wal-Mart, he purchased warm clothing, gloves, boots, First-Aid supplies and snacks, although police don’t know where he got the money to do so.

Police used technology to track the cell phone Hobson was using and determined his location this weekend to be southeastern Alrfred, an area Hobson is familiar with.

Hobson was arrested in Rochester, N.H. on Tuesday night after the five-day manhunt, after police received a tip he’d be there.

When he was arrested by 14 deputy U.S. marshals, he had $3,000 cash and a handful of unidentified narcotics, police said.


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