PORTLAND — Two of 21-month-old Ayla Reynolds’ maternal relaives have taken polygraph exams, according to a release on aylareynolds.com.

Maine Department of Public Safety Spokesman Steve McCausland couldn’t be immediately reached for comment on the website’s claim, and its claims couldn’t quickly be confirmed independently.

Ayla’s mother, Trista Reynolds, took a polygraph exam Jan. 18, according to the Associated Press. Reynolds was told by the test administrator that she couldn’t complete the exam due to an undisclosed medical condition.

Reynolds said she would be willing to complete the test after treatment by a doctor, but she said that investigators were content with the results of the incomplete test.

The toddler’s father, Justin DiPietro, previously took a polygraph test but has not released results. The girl’s parents do not live together.

The website, aylareynolds.com is maintained by Jeff Hanson, the husband of Becca Hanson, who is Ayla’s maternal grandmother.

Ayla was reported missing Dec. 17, 2011. A $30,000 reward has been offered for any information that leads investigators to Ayla. State police are asking that tips be directed to them at 207-624-7076.

Ben McCanna — 861-9239

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