
Sixth annual service auction and chocolate desserts, 6:30 p.m., First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Kennebunk Main Street, Kennebunk. For details, go to


Liturgical dance, 9:55 a.m., Shana Bloomstein from Freedom, will interpret the morning scripture reading. Bremen Union Church, Route 32, Bremen.  For more information call: 832-1283.

“Being a Place Where Goodness Happens,” 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., part of a Lenten series led by the Rev. Jeanette Good and Joanne Booth, that discusses the story of Le Chambon, France, a village that hid nearly 5,000 Jewish children during World War II. State Street Church, 159 State St., Portland. Call 774-6396 for information.

“Music and Reflection for the Season of Lent,” 4 p.m., featuring Clayton Clemetson, pianist. United Christian Church, 18 Searsmont Road/Route 173, Lincolnville Center.  Free admission, donations appreciated.


“Norman Wilkinson – a remembrance in song,” 4 p.m., concert with David Hollis and Kevin Barnard  at the Congregational Church of Wells, 1695 Post Road, U.S. Route 1, Wells.

Jewish Medical Ethics, 9:30 to 11 a.m., seventh annual Maine Community Forum with Rabbi Justin Goldstein, Bangor, and Rabbi Carolyn Braun, Portland. Dr. Charles Blatt, a specialist in cardiovascular disease and internal medicine and the director of research at the Lown Cardiovascular Center in Brookline, Mass., and Herb Paris, president emeritus of Mid Coast Hospital, will also participate. The forum will be held at Beth Israel Synagogue, 862 Washington St., Bath. Admission is free.


Taize Worship, 7 p.m., St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 7 Portland Road/Route 1, Kennebunk.


Rummage and yard sale, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 179 Ridgeland Ave., South Portland.


Chime Workshops: “Sufism and Movement,” with Rupa Cousins, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. March 31, and “Judaism,” with the Rev. Joel Grossman and Rabbi Hillel Katzir, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April 1. The fee is $60 for  non-students and space is limited. The workshops will be held at ChIME, at Center for Grieving Children, 555 Forest Ave., Portland. For more information, call 347-6740.

“The Value of Suffering,” 9:30 a.m. to noon, free seminar for women led by author Julie Caton. Child care and a free lunch are available with advance reservations. Call 353-8453. St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, off Route 196, Lisbon.  For details, visit

Generational healing and service, 2 p.m., Franciscan Monastery, 20 Beach Ave., Kennebunk.
Haiti Empty Bowl Supper, 5 to 7 p.m., annual benefit for Christ the King School in Morne Rouge, Haiti, featuring crafts and folk music. Supper includes a bowl, soup, and bread. The suggested donation is $10. Sacred Heart St. Dominic Church, Mellen and Sherman streets, Portland.


The First Radio Parish Church of America “Daily Devotions” announces Pauline Dion and Nancy Dumais have joined the board of trustees. Contact info@ for information.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Portland is conducting a survey to gauge how to better serve local residents. The church has many resources to support the community, including family and youth, health and spiritual services. Akeem Brett, associate youth pastor and Bible worker, is heading up the project. For more information, call 408-5519.

PraiseJam 2012 is looking for participants. The event is tentatively scheduled for April 28 at First E Free of Maine, 355 Bridgton Road, Westbrook, Any worship team, unsigned Christian band or Christian artist is invited to compete at PraiseJam 2012 for a chance to perform at Soulfest 2012. There is a registration fee, and a five- to 10-minute live recording must be submitted. For information, email Frank Marston at

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