Vice President’s message: Steve Wallace is on vacation this week and in his absence we want to share with you information about an organization and its work that we affectionately refer to as MC3.

MC3 is the MidCoast Chamber Council. It’s a regional alliance of chambers of commerce of the Mid-coast region of Maine which in turn is one of eight tourism regions defined by the state of Maine.

You’ll see the words “region” and “regional” throughout this article because we want to emphasize the cooperation among the chambers and their hundreds of members. Representatives of seven chambers and one economic development organization (from Brunswick to Searsport) meet regularly to promote and market the Midcoast as a region to visitors.

Who visits Mid-coast Maine?

The Maine Office of Tourism reports the largest percentage of overnight leisure visitors to the Mid-coast region are from New York or Massachusetts, each with just under one-quarter of these visitors. These states are followed by Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Touring is a driving factor for visitation to the Mid-coast, followed by outdoor recreation and shopping. Among overnight leisure visitors to the Mid-coast region, going to the beach, hiking or climbing, and swimming are popular outdoor activities. In 2010, the Mid-coast saw an increase in shopping for antiques, arts and crafts among these visitors.

Last, but not least, the mean age of our visitors is 45; they have an income of approximately $100,000. An overwhelming 76 percent have a college degree or higher and the majority are married and work full-time.


How does MC3 market the Mid-coast region to these visitors?

Using the demographics above and input from each chamber, the MC3’s primary goals are to solidify our established visitor base, encourage longer visits throughout the year, and increase brand awareness.

I don’t have enough room to provide details about each program and activity, but in general MC3: maintains a website, uses social media (twice weekly blogs, Facebook posts, YouTube videos, Facebook pay per click ads), produces print and TV advertising, and, new this year, we’ll participate in a Maine Office of Tourism co-op radio campaign aimed at Boston Red Sox fans.

We have two attractive kiosks in strategic positions at the Kittery and Yarmouth state information centers and displays in local visitor centers, including the Bath Train Station and the Maine Welcome Center in Belfast.

Our very popular 16-page “See Life” brochure is distributed at visitor centers, Mid-coast businesses and trade shows. It contains lists of activities and maps for all of the towns in the Mid-coast region.

MC3 tracks all of these activities to monitor and evaluate their effectiveness and remains flexible enough to change course from year to year. MC3’s regional collaboration lends power and breadth to our individual efforts to promote our Mid-coast region to visitors.


As we approach the traditional start of our visitor season, Memorial Day, we encourage you, too, to be a visitor in our region. Use the “See Life” brochure or website or Facebook page to travel from point to point on day trips, or even better, plan an overnight.

— Carolyn Farkas-Noe, vice president, Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber.

Upcoming events: Learn how to make QR codes and mobile technology work for your business at Mid-Day Chambers, Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The presenter is Matthew Carr, of Original Computing. Learn about major mobile technology platforms, see an overview of Google apps integration, understand those little square bar codes you see everywhere and see how a QR code is made. The program is free and takes place at the Topsham Public Library, 25 Foreside Road.

Chamber After Hours at Maine Pines & Racquet & Fitness is May 23, 5 to 7 p.m., located at 120 Harpswell Road, Brunswick. Businesspeople are encouraged to make use of the networking power of the Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber and enjoy the camaraderie of other business people. Meet the staff and learn about the facilities and programs offered by Maine Pines Racquet & Fitness and Select Physical Therapy (one of the chamber’s newest members). Door prizes include gift certificates, a “Spotlight on Members” column, flowers from Flowers Etc. and more. This event is free to attend. Please register no later than May 22.

Members in the news: SMMC welcomes Tri County Literacy and Select Physical Therapy to its membership.

The chamber proudly serves 660 businesses and organizations in the following communities: Arrowsic, Bath, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Brunswick, Dresden, Edgecomb, Georgetown, Harpswell, Phippsburg, Richmond, Topsham, West Bath, Westport Island, Wiscasset and Woolwich.

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