As everyone has noticed there is a lot of construction happening around South Portland from the bridge to Cape Elizabeth. I live at the end of Walnut Street near the cul de sac. They have torn parts of our street up on a few different occasions, I assume to work on either the gas or sewer lines. If you’ve driven from one end of Walnut Street to the other than you know how much it could stand to be repaved. How do we talk to the city about this? How do residents request the repaving of their street? Also, if and when they do repave it, how do we request raised speed bump crosswalks to slow people down? I’m amazed at how fast cars go by my house when I’m only two houses from the cul de sac. I’m amazed they can slow down in time. I wish people would realize that all of South Portland is populated with children of all ages, a lot of whom play outside all hours of the day. Also, I live in a neighborhood that has many cats and dogs. People need to slow down in these densely populated areas.

Wil Whalen
South Portland

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