SCARBOROUGH — The lawyer representing Dylan Volk, the oldest child of Scarborough state Rep. Amy Volk, said he is seeking a continuance for a Sept. 18 Portland court conference on charges his client faces related to incidents in May and July.

Lawyer Walt McKee said Volk, 21, has asked the Cumberland County Unified Docket to reschedule a dispositional conference where lawyers and a judge will discuss charges of criminal mischief, driving to endanger, leaving the scene of an accident and violating conditions of release against Volk.

McKee said he is confident the charges will be seen in their entire context.

“Dylan has some significant developmental disabilities. I am confident everyone involved in this case will want to take that into account,” McKee said.

The most recent incident occurred July 29, when Volk was accused of striking two girls with his 1996 Oldsmobile in the parking lot of the Shops at Clarks Pond in South Portland.

Both teenagers refused medical treatment; one is the niece of South Portland Police Chief Edward Googins. Googins said this week he was unaware of the incident until his niece told him about it at a later time.


A court affidavit filed by South Portland Police Officer Andrew Nelson alleged Volk met the four young women at the shopping center around 7 p.m. One asked him for a ride, but turned down his advances.

Nelson said when the four left the car, Volk put it into gear and struck the two who walked in front of him, then drove away. One of the girls gave Volk’s cell phone number to Nelson, who called Volk and asked him to return to the scene, where he was arrested and charged with the traffic-related misdemeanors and violating conditions of release.

The last charge stems from Volk’s release on bail for a May 31 confrontation outside the family home on Elbridge Oliver Way, where Volk allegedly beat a vehicle with a baseball bat after an argument with its driver.

Scarborough Police Detective Sgt. Rick Rouse said a 52-year-old woman encountered Volk as he was walking dogs on Fogg Road around 3 p.m.

The driver objected to Volk’s treatment of the dogs, and told police he dragged one of the dogs before hoisting it off the ground by its leash. Rouse said she told police she followed Volk so she could take pictures of his behavior.

Rouse said Volk and the driver each called police when they arrived at the Volk home. Volk reported being followed, and as the woman was speaking with a dispatcher, Volk allegedly went into the garage, returned with a bat, and struck the passenger side of her vehicle. The driver was unharmed, but the car was damaged.

David Harry can be reached at 781-3661 ext. 110 or Follow him on Twitter: @DavidHarry8.

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