Do I need to have a Facebook account to comment?

Yes, you need to have an active Facebook account to comment.

How do I sign in through the article?

When you go to the comment box, it should give you the option to sign in with your account.

How do I manage my account, change privacy settings, and share my comments?

You can learn all about these options and more by visiting Facebook’s user friendly help center at


Are the Terms of Use staying the same?

Yes they are, and you can find them at

Can I still be whitelisted if I follow the Terms of Use?

No, that is no longer an option for Facebook Connect, but our moderators will get to your comments as quickly as they can.

Will Facebook be monitoring the comments now?

No, the Portland Press Herald staff will still be moderating.


Are we being paid by Facebook to do this?


What if I don’t want to participate in Facebook?

Only Facebook users will now be allowed to comment on our articles.

Do I need to keep an active Facebook account to post?

We look for real names, some kind of picture, and enough information on it to convince us you are a real person. Whether you do anything else with  your Facebook account other than using it to log in to our site is entirely up to you.


Will all my comments be posted to my Facebook page so everyone can see it?

Not necessarily.  When you start to write a comment, you’ll be given the option of ‘post to Facebook’ right under it. All you have to do is unclick that box, and it will not be shown on your Facebook page.

Do I have to use my own photo?

No, if the rest of your information seems legitimate, you can pick whatever else best expresses yourself as your photo.

Can other people commenting see my personal information, e-mail, location, etc?

That depends on how you’ve set your privacy options.  You can choose to make your personal information visible only to people whom you have personally okayed to see it.  You can set your privacy options by going here:


Do I need to have a Facebook account to read comments?

No, once the comments are approved they are public for everyone to see.

What if I still have questions about the system and how to use it?

You can e-mail our Community Manager at and she’ll do what she can to walk you through any problems or direct you to the right place.

Comments are no longer available on this story