SCARBOROUGH — The Scarborough High School wind ensemble and the brass section of the Sacopee Valley Community Band will combine musical talents at a 7 p.m., Nov. 8, benefit concert at Scarborough High School for the Air for Ashley Fund.

The fund helps the family of Scarborough resident Ashley Drew with expenses from her double lung transplant on June 8 in Boston.

Drew, 25, is a 2004 Scarborough graduate. She plays woodwinds and saxophone and was part of the jazz ensemble and marching band at the University of Maine.

The concert, featuring guest conductor Curvin Farnham, will include traditional and modern concert band music and marches. Farnham is the retired conductor of the University of Maine Symphonic Band.

There is no price to the concert, but donations to the Air for Ashley Fund are requested. Donations can also be sent care of Renee Richardson, Scarborough High School, 11 Municipal Drive, Scarborough, ME 04074.

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