I would like to thank all of the voters in District 122 for re-electing me for a third term to serve as your state representative in the Maine House. I have been proud to represent South Portland residents for the past four years and I am excited that I have the opportunity to continue working on your behalf.

With a newly elected state Legislature in Augusta for the upcoming 2013 session, I am ready to get back to work for the people of District 122 and all Mainers as we navigate through these challenging economic times.

This past election we witnessed Maine voters to take a stand against big money from out-of-state SuperPACs and support marriage equality in an historic vote. Importantly, sufficient Democrats were elected to shift party control in both houses of the state Legislature that will allow good, progressive legislation to move forward. Economic progress and implementing the Affordable Care Act are initiatives that I will be endeavoring to advance, along with meeting the needs of my constituents.

Thank you once again for your generous support and, as always, I am honored to serve.

Rep. Terry Morrison
South Portland

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