Fresh on the heels of Vanity Fair’s story on the alleged prostitution scandal in Kennebunk, “Boston” magazine is offering its own take on the case.

The magazine interviewed residents and reviewed the evidence so far in the case against Alexis Wright, a Kennebunk Zumba teacher charged with more than 100 counts of prostitution, and Mark Strong Sr., her alleged partner in the operation.

The article offers a lengthy recounting of Wright’s journey from a childhood in Topsham to Kennebunk, where she opened a Zumba dance study and reportedly filmed porn videos on the side. The article includes interviews with local residents, including Mark Nedeau, who has raised money for the town’s fuel fund by selling T-shirts reading, “I’m not on the client list. Are you?”

It also features snippets of supposed “ratings” of Wright on a website that author Alyssa Giacobbe said offers reviews of alleged prostitutes.

Strong is expected to go on trial later this month, while Wright’s case is expected to be heard later this spring.

Vanity Fair’s February issue features a long story on the scandal. Boston magazine’s story is in its January issue, but publication schedules mean that both are hitting the newsstands about the same time.

The Boston article can be found at:

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