LOS ANGELES – A camp ranger who was carjacked by Christopher Dorner and called 911 is seeking the entire $1.2 million reward offered for the now-deceased former L.A. police officer who killed four people before taking his own life in a Big Bear-area cabin.

Rick Heltebrake, through a law firm, has filed a claim to collect the reward offered by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and funded by various entities.

Heltebrake, a full-time ranger at the Boy Scouts-owned Camp Tahquitz, said in the claim for the reward that he was driving on Glass Road when a man jumped out of a snowbank and pointed a firearm at him.

“Mr. Heltebrake immediately recognized this man as Christopher Dorner,” wrote attorney Allen L. Thomas in the Feb. 19 reward claim.

Heltebrake says Dorner ordered him out of the truck and used it to continue fleeing law enforcement.

Dorner left Heltebrake behind with his dog. The camp ranger started to walk up Glass Road but after 10 to 15 seconds, cut into the forest with the intention of going to Highway 38.

“Once off the road, Mr. Heltebrake used his cellular telephone to contact San Bernardino Deputy Sheriff Paul Franklin to report the incident and the location of Mr. Dorner,” his attorney wrote.


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