Good Theater opened its 10th anniversary season with A.R. Gurney’s “Ancestral Voices.” Now, the show is back by popular demand to close out the theater’s 11th season.

“Ancestral Voices” was a charming production in 2011.  It was performed as a staged reading, but the three-generation family members weren’t just voices echoing through time: they were vivid, endearing people.

This time around, the production is all that, and more.

Brian P. Allen (Eddie), Bob McCormack (Harvey), Lee K. Paige (Jane), Jocelyn Lavin Pollard (Grandmother) and Stephen Underwood (Grandfather) return as an  affluent family living in Buffalo, N.Y., during World War II.

Once again, there are no set or props, other than five unique chairs, carefully chosen to complement the characters seated in them. Everything else in the story springs from the imagination of the actors.

April Boyle is a free-lance writer from Casco. She can be contacted at:

Read the full review in the Maine Sunday Telegram. 


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