I support Russ Anderson for the Falmouth Town Council. We shall have three new councilors in June. There are many issues about which they must quickly get up to speed. Russ has attended meetings and studied the issues. He will quickly know the major concerns of Falmouth citizens.

Russ is fiscally conservative. He’s not stingy, but he will seek answers to his questions and will spend our funds wisely.

Russ will listen to all opinions, even those with which he does not agree. He might even change his opinion if someone brings up several points that he had not previously considered.

Among his many activities Russ was moderator of Falmouth Congregational Church, and as such knows how to conduct himself and how to conduct a meeting. He can hold a confidence when confidentially is necessitated but can speak his mind clearly and concisely when so required.

Faith Varney, Town Council chairwoman

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