Looking for a job? Need career advice? Visit PressHerald.com Monday for live chats with Maine jobs and career experts.

10 a.m.: Amy Jaffe, career counselor, Heart at Work Associates – What young adults need to develop skills and launch a career.

11 a.m.: Cindy Edwards, career consultant, Portland Career Center – Retraining tips: What to do when you’ve lost a manufacturing job.

Noon: Nate Huckel-Bauer, director, Entreverge/Propel – Tips for Entrepreneurs.

1 p.m.: Barbara Babkirk, master career counselor and founder, Heart at Work Associates – Issues for older workers: Get a job when you’re over 50.

2 p.m.: Ben Neveaux, employment and training specialist, York County Career Center – How to write a resume/cover letter.

3 p.m.: Mary J. LaFontaine, manager, Lewiston Career Center – What to do if you’ve been unemployed for more than a year.


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