I was a Maine Turnpike Authority “frequent flier” for more than 20 years, commuting from our home in Portland to my job in Lewiston five days a week. 

When the MTA decided to get greedy (my opinion) and in turn intentionally harm all toll road commuters in Maine by discontinuing the wonderful commuter E-ZPass program, I went along with the change for one month. My tolls increased by 400 percent, which was shocking to my budget. 

I grumbled about it daily and am sure my coworkers were tiring of my tirade. One day, in order to work on improving my own mental health about this situation, I decided to forgo the toll road and take the “back road” through Gray to work. And then on my way home that day, I opted for the “back road” through Durham and Freeport. 

I was immediately aware of many benefits of my decision (initially on principle) to boycott the Maine Turnpike. I discovered that:

Going through Gray added three minutes to my commute time; going through Durham and Freeport added 0 minutes.

I benefited from a 3- to 5-mpg increase in gas mileage by traveling at speeds about 10 mph below my turnpike speeds.


And best of all, I found myself enjoying the scenery and the breezes (windows open was not very viable on the turnpike) and arriving at my destination more refreshed and happier than before my boycott. 

I would encourage fellow commuters who have not tried the boycott option to strongly consider it — just try it for a week. You may find yourself as grateful as I am to the MTA. 

They do not seem the least bit concerned that they have lost me (and many others) as E-ZPass customers — and I am happier and richer for their decision.  Win-win!

Deborah Taylor


Michaud erred in his vote on chaplain amendment


On July 23, Rep. John Fleming, R-La., introduced a religiously discriminatory amendment to the defense appropriations bill to prohibit the Defense Department from spending funds for any chaplain not endorsed by a religious organization. 

This amendment presumably was in response to the application of Jason Heap, a humanist and former Methodist minister, to be a Navy chaplain.

Only two Republicans voted for the amendment, while most Democrats, including Chellie Pingree, voted against it, thereby voting against discrimination. Unfortunately, gubernatorial candidate Rep. Mike Michaud joined 25 other Democrats, mostly from red states, in supporting the amendment, which passed.

Members of the military who are not religious are as likely as others to need services provided by chaplains, such as support and counseling on family problems, post-traumatic stress disorder and other personal issues. 

A substantial majority of chaplains are evangelical Protestants. It is questionable how effectively many of them could address the concerns of those who do not share their beliefs. Also, a nonbeliever who has died in the line of duty and his or her family deserve a suitable nonreligious memorial service.

It has been argued that nonbelievers do not need chaplains because mental health services are available to all military personnel, but they would have no guarantee of confidentiality. However, conversations with chaplains are privileged and are not disclosed to commanders, background investigators and others.


According to a 2008 survey by the Pew Religion & Public Life Project, about 8 percent of Mainers do not believe in God, and another 30 percent expressed some uncertainty about their belief in God. Probably those proportions are similar for Mainers in the military.

If Mike Michaud wants to be governor, he must respect the concerns of all of us, not only those who have particular religious beliefs.

Meredith N. Springer


Exempting industry from ozone rules a big mistake

I am outraged that the LePage administration and Maine Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Patricia Aho would even consider exempting any industrial polluters from measures reducing ground-level ozone.


Great strides have been made reducing this harmful respiratory irritant because Maine has cooperated with 12 other states in the Ozone Transport Region. To bow to industry and sacrifice the health of Mainers is totally unacceptable.

The direct effects of ozone are quite impressive: lung inflammation, decreased lung volumes, coughing, throat irritation, chest tightness, wheezing, increased hospital admissions and increased mortality.  Most at risk are children, adults working outside and the elderly.

In addition, ozone can lead to reduced agricultural crop and commercial forest yields.

Clearly, our citizens do not deserve this.

James M. Klick, M.D., FCCM



A plea for help saving iconic French toast dish

Bintliff’s Orange Graham French Toast is an iconic meal in my mind. As a former Portland resident who grew up in this city and called it home until shortly after my 25th birthday, I hold this breakfast treat in the highest regard.

Every time I return to Portland from my current home outside of Philadelphia, I make an effort to frequent Bintliff’s and explore the many other delicious choices on their menu. I consistently fail. The spectacular creation calls me back and entices me.

Imagine my horror when we went to Bintliff’s recently with my fiance for his birthday and our server informed us that the Orange Graham French Toast would soon be vacating the menu. I knew we had to take a stand and make sure this never came to pass.

I’m asking that Portland residents who love and cherish this dish attend Bintliff’s as they finish designing their new menu over the next few weeks. Make sure to order the French toast and keep a Portland treasure intact on our plates and in our stomachs. Show the chefs and owners that the popularity of this meal requires it remain a staple.

I will thank you. Future generations will thank you. Take a stand and make your voice heard.

Megan Carrie


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