Former state Rep. Kim Olsen scored a 100 percent roll call record during her last term. This is a hands-on indicator of the level of commitment representing the people of Maine in a free republic. To Rep. Jeremy Saxton: how can you listen to all sides of the debate if you’re not even there? Saxton ranks fourth lowest on roll call. What’s more, two out of the three reps that scored lower than Saxton had known health issues throughout the session. I have not heard of any health or personal issues currently affecting Saxton, and I sincerely hope there are none. But if so, Rep. Saxton should communicate these, as he is a public servant.

According to a recent article, Saxton says “I’m happy that I can be a link between my constituents and the people who make policy in Augusta.” Why did you sell us on your commitment to District 64 if you didn’t intend on showing up for work? Your record is deeply at odds with your proclamations. I’d like an explanation.

I suggest you look to Olsen’s record as an indicator of the effort we expect of you, or Rep. Deborah Sanderson of Chelsea, whose record this session is 99.8 percent. Priority 1 is showing up, and you have failed. Please show respect to the district you promised to represent.

Mark Durgin

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