MD. Harmon’s column “Hillary Clinton White House bid faces plenty of roadblocks” (Aug. 30) suggests that if she decides to pursue a run for the White House in 2016, it would be futile. Mr. Harmon is at best begging the question.

“After years in the public eye, she has a nearly blank slate,” he says.

The Huffington Post, however, reported Dec. 31, 2012, that “Obama, Hillary Clinton Top ‘Most Admired’ Gallup Poll For 2012.”

The claim that “her own party (rejected) the health care plan she labored to produce as first lady” is erroneous.

Opposition to the plan came from Republicans, conservatives, libertarians and the health insurance industry itself, especially pharmaceutical makers.

He criticizes her for the false claim that “she came under ‘sniper fire’ in Bosnia,” though Mr. Harmon himself wrongly asserted that George W. Bush was a “war hero” during the run-up to the 2004 presidential election.


“She could also be weighed down by the inevitable perception that her election would be tantamount to giving her husband a third presidential term.”

It wouldn’t happen like that, but if it did, re-living those Bill Clinton years of prosperity and surpluses would be a welcome change.

The prediction that “Hillary Clinton faces plenty of roadblocks” is a self-fulfilling prophecy since Mr. Harmon and those like him (vocal libertarians, Republicans and conservatives) will be putting up those roadblocks with a vengeance.

He asks, “Might there be a glimmering idea among some left-wingers that Hillary would be a brittle candidate?”

I challenge him with the question, “Might there be a glimmering idea among some Republicans, conservatives and libertarians (Mr. Harmon in particular) that Hillary might be a better candidate?”

We can only wait and see. The Harmons of the world do not decide elections — “We the People” do.

Robert J. Seeber is a resident of Windham.


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