SMCC winds down fall season

The fall sports season is nearing an end for Southern Maine Community College. Men’s soccer improved to 5-4-1 (4-3-1 in the Yankee Small College Conference) after a 5-0 home win over Northern Maine CC Sunday. The Seawolves previously tied rival Central Maine CC, 1-1, and lost at U. Maine-Machias, 5-0. SMCC is at NMCC Saturday and plays at Eastern Maine CC Sunday. Baseball capped its fall season at 8-4 (5-3 in conference) after splitting a doubleheader at New Hampshire Technical Institute Sunday (winning, 6-3; losing, 6-2). The Seawolves swept host U. Maine-Farmington the day before (7-3, 7-5). Softball lost three in a row (10-4 to UNH’s club team and and 2-0 and 7-2 to NHTI) to fall to 5-4 (3-4 in conference). The Seawolves hosted CMCC for a pair Wednesday to close their fall schedule. Women’s soccer is 3-3-2 (2-2-1 against YSCC foes) after a 1-1 home tie versus CMCC and a 4-1 setback at U. Maine-Machias. SMCC was at NHTI Tuesday, then plays at the University of Maine-Presque Isle Saturday. Golf will take part in the YSCC championship match Oct. 12 in Loudon, N.H.

Former Patriots to visit Portland

Former New England Patriots Joe Andruzzi, Steve DeOssie and Patrick Pass will compete in a New England Patriots Alumni flag football game Saturday at 6 p.m., at Fitzpatrick Stadium. Prior to the game (beginning at 5 p.m.), there will be a free, first-come, first-serve, professional football clinic for children. Proceeds will benefit various youth athletic programs supported by the Cumberland County Sherffic’s P.A.L. A small donation is suggested. FMI,

SP volleyball fundraiser upcoming

A silent auction fundraiser for the South Portland volleyball boosters will be held Oct. 19 at J.P. Thornton’s. It goes from 5 to 9 p.m., at two bands will be playing.

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