Eric Leppanen, a Belfast artist and winner of Ovation’s Artist in Motion contest sponsored by Subaru, is showing his work in an exhibit this month at Asymmetrick Arts, 405 Main St. in Rockland.

The exhibit, “Full Circle,” features his winning artwork and will run through Nov. 23. Leppanen’s work was judged on originality and how well the pieces represent the core values of social responsibility. His art was also judged on how well it inspired others and the community. His first-place win earned him a 30-second TV interstitial to be shown on-air and online, as well as a full gallery show in his hometown.

Leppanen’s work is heavily influenced by his interest in physics and the universe, which is depicted in his large abstract paintings formed using reclaimed paints. He describes his work as “a pursuit of balance and an interpretation of personal experience.” The materials used in his art can be found in nature, on the side of the road, or from discarded materials. He adopted the motto “Recover / Reuse / Recreate,” which has become a constant theme in his work.

Leppanen has been sharing his work at galleries, schools, and businesses across Maine for many years. He is currently represented by Asymmetrick. His work is also in private collections.

His recent work, “Indebted States of America” (2012), is composed of 50 state quarters and 169 of his own credit cards that he has collected over the past 23 years. In an email, Leppanen said his goal with this piece is to help people “rethink credit and to make smarter choices.

“It speaks to the marketing of ‘big banks’ to in-debt Americans with bait-and-switch tactics and easy/free money,” he said in the email. “The last 20 years of credit-card marketing has fueled the economic boom, (and the) collapse and enslavement of millions… After 16 years working for Bank of America as a cog in the debt machine, I’m trying to do my part to give back.”

For more information about his work or the exhibit, go to

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