Michael Stone is the new president of the TD Beach to Beacon 10K road race.

A longtime race volunteer and current president of Junior Achievement of Maine, Stone was elected Tuesday at a meeting of the race board of directors. He succeeds David Weatherbie, who has served as president since the race’s inception in 1998 before deciding to step down from the volunteer position to spend more time with his family.

Weatherbie remains a member of the board and the 60-member organizing committee, with a particular focus on local runners competing for Maine men’s and women’s titles.

“We’re very grateful Dave is going to stay on to do that,” Stone said. “That’s his expertise.”

A Portland native, Stone has an extensive background in banking and volunteered for the race in its second year. He has chaired the awards committee for 15 years, coordinating all aspects of the prerace start activities and postrace awards ceremony.

About five years ago, with help from a regular routine of running along with a weight-loss program, he shed 60 pounds.


“I was a runner in earlier years but I kind of strayed,” Stone said. “A big part of the inspiration (to return) came from Joanie and (race director) Dave McGillivray.”

Joanie, of course, is the race founder, Joan Benoit Samuelson, who grew up in Cape Elizabeth, lives in Freeport and won the first Olympic women’s marathon.

“The baton that Dave Weatherbie carried so professionally with experienced hands, focus and knowledge has been passed on to Mike Stone, who represents everything good about the race and the communities it inspires and serves,” Samuelson said in a statement. “Mike has worked closely with Dave over the years and is a proven and highly respected leader in the Maine community. His passion for our sport and the event coupled with his expertise with both organization and organizations will make him a most effective president.”

Stone has run the past five Beach to Beacon races and said he has no plans to stop. He also ran the 2010 Boston Marathon.

Next year’s race is scheduled for Aug. 2. Don’t expect to see any major changes, Stone said.

“I think we have a pretty good template for an event that we just look to build on every year,” Stone said. “I’m honored to have been chosen and believe it will be a fairly seamless transition.”

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