Rep. Brian Bolduc, D-Auburn, is under fire for an error-riddled email rant to the Auburn Police Department in which he complained about trucks using loud compression brakes — or jake brakes — as they drive near his home.

In the email, Bolduc demands that police establish a routine patrol near his home on Riverside Drive to enforce an ordinance prohibiting the use of jake brakes in the residential neighborhood.

"You would think the drivers would have enough common courtesy not to do this in front of residential homes but then again one look at them and you can see they probably don’t have a whole hell of a lot of brains in their heads," Bolduc wrote. 

The email was obtained by the Maine Republican Party, which redacted the recipients and the top portion of the missive. The Sun Journal in Lewiston confirmed that the email was sent to the Auburn Police Department and Mayor Jonathan Labonte.

Bolduc issued a two-sentence written apology in response to media inquiries. It read, "My email was over the line. I apologize for expressing my frustration in such an inappropriate manner.”


Bolduc could find that the email will endanger his pursuit of a fourth consecutive term in the House, should he decide to seek it. Republicans pounced on his comments and members of the rank and file were calling for his resignation. Rep. Corey Wilson, R-Augusta, who tweeted that his father is a truck driver, said Bolduc’s comments were offensive.

Others noted that Bolduc appeared to be using his status as a lawmaker to demand that police patrol his road (Bolduc sent the email from his private account and signed it with his first and last name; he did not identify himself as a state representative.). 

"I want something done about it pronto," he wrote. "I want a cruiser stationed on this road (you can use my driveway) every day between 630 am and 8pm (wich (sic) is when the traffic is running) for a week and i (sic) want to see citations stacking up or ill (sic) have every damned resident of this town who lives on a busy road in that city council chamber!"

Bolduc lists his occupation as a secondary school social studies teacher. His email was laden with misspellings and errors.

"We need more police survalence (sic) to crack down on this s**t. They rumble past our homes before they get to the bridge and to turn onto mill street (sic) especialy (sic) those god damed (sic) lumber trucks. They release those breaks (sic) and our floors and windows rumble and the sound scares pets and children in our homes. You would think the drivers would have enough common courtesy not to do this infront (sic) of residential homes but then again one look at them and you can see they probably dont (sic) have a whole hell of allot (sic) of brains in their heads."

"Representative Bolduc demonstrates a level of disrespect in this email that I believe the hard-working people of Maine will find shocking," said Jason Savage, executive director of the Maine Republican Party, in a press statement.

 He added, "Not only is Representative Bolduc clearly bullying the recipients of the email, he also takes a deeply offensive shot at hard-working Mainers who drive truck for a living." 

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