The new Cumberland County Civic Center is a great improvement and accomplishment. The trustees, Cianbro Corp., the civic center employees and all who worked on the renovation have done a fantastic job and deserve many thanks.

Businesses that suffer through this winter and who rely on added revenues from events know acutely how important it is to get the civic center up and running successfully. Negotiating a lease with the Portland Pirates has been central to that issue.

It has been easy to jump to conclusions, as I did initially. Neal Pratt, the chairman of the trustees, and various members of civic center management took the time to explain to me their position in these negotiations. I appreciated that.

Regardless of the outcome, I believe the trustees are negotiating competently as stewards of the public interest.

I toured the renovated civic center, and I hope the general public will be as impressed as I was by the new facility. It has been long in coming, but I believe the wait will have been well worth it.

Dan Steele

co-owner, Brian Boru Public House


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