The Walker Library in Westbrook has declined the offer of Rick Hautala’s papers to archive at their facility.

Rick Hautala was a prolific and successful author of horror fiction, often referred to as “Maine’s other horror writer.” He lived and worked in Westbrook for 40 years.

We as the family felt that Rick’s papers belonged in his home town, and planned to give them to the library fully indexed and curated for the community to enjoy.

It is inexplicable to me why the city of Westbrook would reject the papers of their most prominent author. Not only do they include the original manuscripts dating back to 1979, but they give insight into the changes in the publishing industry over the last forty years.

This was a real opportunity for Westbrook to celebrate and honor a notable citizen, and increase the prestige of the Walker Memorial Library.

Rick’s papers will be archived elsewhere, but I am deeply disappointed in the lack of vision displayed by his home town.

Holly Newstein HautalaWestbrook

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