I am disappointed with the headline for the April 19 article “Man with ties to bombers got visa from Portland firm.”

While the article explains the issuance of a J-1 foreign exchange visa, and its subsequent revocation by the Council on International Education Exchange, the headline unnecessarily paints CIEE with a negative image.

In fact, Ibragim Todashev’s presence in the U.S. after CIEE revoked his visa was made possible by federal authorities, as explained on Page A4 by Sen. Susan Collins.

As Sen. Collins was paraphrased as saying, “CIEE performed its job correctly … .”

The headline was accurate but unfairly emphasized the “Portland firm” in the circumstances surrounding Mr. Todashev’s presence in the United States.

The article later places blame where it belongs, and not with the exchange visa program that was responsibly administered.

David Kirstein



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