SANAA, Yemen

Military says it has control of al-Qaida stronghold

Yemen’s military said Saturday it has regained control of an al-Qaida stronghold in the country’s south as part of an ongoing offensive, an attack that killed seven militants and two soldiers.

Elsewhere in the province, a military official said soldiers opened fire on militants as they tried to ambush a military patrol, an attack that killed five militants and two soldiers.

The fighting comes amid a new offensive to root out al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, which the U.S. considers he world’s most dangerous offshoot of the terror group. It is blamed for a number of unsuccessful bomb plots aimed at Americans.



Judge’s barring of woman’s Facebook rants upheld

A state appellate court has ruled that a mother’s rights were not violated by a judge’s decision that barred her from ranting about her children and ex-husband on Facebook.

The judge’s 2011 order was a special condition of the woman’s probation stemming from an attempt to kidnap her two children and take them to Canada, the Courier News reported.

The restriction came after her ex-husband’s family and prosecutors argued that her Facebook postings were frightening, saying they referenced serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, Satan and Adolf Hitler.

“You can talk about what you want to talk about, but don’t reference (your husband) or the children,” the judge told her. But the mother returned to Facebook and began using a code word, “Camelot,” to refer to her family. The judge found that violated her probation.

– From news service reports

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