I am always surprised when I catch myself thinking of Sen. Susan Collins as a moderate. She is a thoughtful and dedicated public servant fond of talking about compromise. Her voting record, however, reveals her true values. She stands with the tea party end of her party much of the time.

Just a few weeks ago, Susan Collins and her Republican colleagues in the Senate voted to block a bill to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. The needs of working people are not well served by investing in only the rich, but that is what the Republicans seem to have to offer these days. Witness Paul LePage – or perhaps you, like I, are tired of doing so.

It’s time for a change.

If you care more about the working men and women in Maine than about millionaires, if you are rooting for small businesses over multinational corporations, if you are concerned about student loan reform and the health of our environment, you need another voice in the Senate.

With all due respect, it is time to end the very long reign of Sen. Collins. Fortunately, Maine will have an excellent alternative this fall: Shenna Bellows. A voice for the rest of us.

Charlotte Agell


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