MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Members of New Hampshire’s Congressional delegation are praising the decision to cancel the death sentence and release a woman from a Sudanese prison.

Meriam Ibrahim faced death because she married a Christian, Daniel Wani, who had lived in New Hampshire. His brother, Gabriel, lives in Manchester.

Carol Shea-Porter called Ibrahim’s release “overdue and welcome news.” Annie Kuster said the sentencing and imprisonment was “a horrific violation of human rights.”

Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Kelly Ayotte say they’ll continue to work with Wani to help ensure his family is brought home.

“We all hope that the family will soon be allowed to come to New Hampshire,” Gov. Maggie Hassan said in a statement. “Our nation was founded on the principle that freedom of religion is one of our most basic and important human rights, and thanks to the diplomatic efforts of so many, including new Hampshire’s congressional delegation, this unjust, unconscionable abuse of Meriam Ibrahim’s fundamental right has reportedly been resolved.”

The 27-year-old Ibrahim gave birth in prison last month to her second child.

Ibrahim, whose father was Muslim but who was raised by her Christian mother, was convicted of apostasy, a crime punishable by death under Sudan’s strict enforcement of Islamic law.

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