The facts are clear. Despite efforts to split us, women must choose between Democrat Mike Michaud and independent Eliot Cutler for governor reasonably soon.

Though I voted for Eliot in 2010, I believe Mike is best qualified.

For over a decade, many of us have dealt directly with Mike on women’s issues. He’s keenly responsive to the economic, workplace and education challenges affecting women’s prosperity. His hard-fought pursuit of facts outside his comfort zone yielded his solid position on reproductive choice, and years of impressive national ratings.

Mike possesses the deep intelligence of grit – a proven, superior predictor of success.

He relentlessly pursued better Medicaid reimbursements for Maine before voting on the Affordable Care Act; he united polarized interests to pass the landmark Maine Forest Practices Act; and, despite this Congress, he’s garnered lifetime achievement awards in economic development.

One by one, women can decide this election. Time to choose.

Stephanie Cotsirilos


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