It’s with enthusiasm I add my voice to those in support of George Hogan for Old Orchard Beach’s representative in Augusta.

George is a man of integrity and ability, and has a history of getting things done for Old Orchard Beach.

Thanks to George, we look out on a bay under the jurisdiction of our town, not some other community.

George’s ability to work with folks on the “other” side of an issue is often remarked upon with appreciation, and his character has made him someone to be trusted.

As chair of the OOB school board, I’ve relied on George to present our unique problems as a school district to the Education Committee and to the Department of Education. He has always remained in close touch with OOB’s education community, and while there is still much to do, George is someone who will keep at it. He recognizes the inequities built into the EPS formula, and will continue to work to rewrite it or begin anew on a school funding formula that is fair and equitable to towns like ours. He has proven himself to be a true friend of education.

I like being able to cast “positive” votes, and I’m positive that George Hogan is the best candidate to be our representative in Augusta.

Gary Curtis, chairman, RSU 23/Old Orchard Beach Schools

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