Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center received some improvements Saturday morning, including a new rail fence, courtesy of an Eagle Scout project organized by Ethan Nadeau of Saco. Helping Nadeau’s effort were fellow Scouts from Troop 371, including Evan Kane of Scarborough. The Earth Day-inspired cleanup was a collaboration among a number of local organizations including Friends of Scarborough Marsh, Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center, TogetherGreen, the town of Scarborough and the Higgins Beach Association. See page 17 for more event photos.Photo by Rich ObreyThe Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center got a facelift Saturday, a new rail fence, courtesy of an Eagle Scout project organized by Ethan Nadeau of Saco. Helping Nadeau’s effort was Alex Gerlach.Jillian Luetje, a first grade student from Portland’s Presumpscot School, and her dad, Ed, were part of a group of students and parents that came by bus to help clean up the beach at Pine Point.Kristen Flaherty, left, and Jennifer Babeu, first-grade teachers from Portland’s Presumpscot School, brought a group of students and parents to help clean up the beach at Pine Point, a follow-up to a study project on Scarborough Marsh.Jennifer Babeu, a first-grade teacher from Portland’s Presumpscot School, admires a piece of debris collected by one of her students, Jillian Luetje, during Saturday’s cleanup of the beach at Pine Point.

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